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Chapter 49

Daniel, Sam, and the girls had come in late on Christmas Eve. Even so, they were all still up and around the Christmas tree early the next morning. Even the three temporary transplants were there smiling at the giggling girls as they jumped around in excitement.

Daniel had brought their presents with them, so they would be able to open everything there. He and Sam had passed them all out, and the girls were currently playing in the debris. While the girls were distracted, Daniel sidled up to Sherry and glanced over her shoulder to where Genesis was sitting right next to her. He caught her attention and gave her a frown. He kept his voice low, but not low enough that Genesis didn't hear.

"Sis, please tell me that you aren't, you know... with him."

Sherry tried not to laugh out loud as she grinned over at him. "Why do you care?"

Daniel closed his eyes and shook his head. When he opened them, he caught Genesis' eye over Sherry's head and glared at the man's smirk. Sherry elbowed her boyfriend in the ribs. She had no problem claiming him, but that didn't mean she was okay with him egging her brother on. Daniel was mollified with the action as Genesis huffed. Thankfully, their little scuffle was lost in the general excitement, and both men let it drop as the girls came running over to show off their latest toys.

Once they settled down a little more, Sherry pulled out the things she had gotten for the adults. Sam and Daniel both gave her sad smiles, but the three men looked shocked. She shook her head as she handed them all out. "I know we may not have much time, but I wanted you to have a little something to remember me by."

Daniel froze at her words and set his gift to the side. He wrapped his arms around her and held her there for a short minute before he sat back and grinned at her. She could tell he was trying not to cry, even if his words didn't show it. "Are you kidding? It's more like trying to forget."

They all chuckled slightly as Sam hugged her in turn. Her voice was much softer. "You know, we would never need anything like that. You'll always have a place with us."

Sherry nodded and pointed at the gifts. "I know. I still wanted to get you something. Open them."

They all turned to do as she asked. When they had them open, Daniel laughed as he held up a set of guitar strings. "Did Sam tell you?"

Sherry grinned. "Of course. They're the good ones too. I know that heap is ancient, but with those, you should be able to get a few more years out of it. Make sure you compose something great. Even if you just sing the girls to sleep with it."

Sam giggled next to him and gave her another hug. "Thanks. This looks like it has some interesting possibilities. Was that rose petals in there?"

Sherry laughed. "Yep. Hibiscus too. With the base tea options, you should be able to create all sorts of new concoctions."

Her attention was drawn by Sephiroth as he gave her a shocked look. "How did you know?"

Sherry looked down at the sketch pad and charcoal set in his hand with a smile. "Sorry, I wasn't trying to be nosey, but you left one of your sketches on the table one day. I thought it might be nice if you had proper materials instead of notepaper and pencils."

He chuckled and shook his head. Caius looked equally surprised. "This is a quality blade."

She gave him a nod as she looked at the sheathed hand knife in his hand. "I figured it would need to be. Once you go back home, you'll probably use it often enough, won't you? I mean, you did say you hunted, right?"

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