The Goddess Materia

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Chapter 71

The next morning, Genesis called Angeal and asked that he meet them at the caves. The conversation was brief, and they set out as soon as he agreed. He arrived almost at the same time as the rest of them. Several of their group gave him worried looks at his tired eyes, but he ignored them as he brushed past them. "These caves extend a long way under the village, and they're convoluted. We need to get going, especially since we don't know how long we'll be down there."

Sherry almost wanted to speak up and tell them all that it was probable they could not get it done in a day, but she bit her tongue and followed after the group. They all looked to be even more weighed down now that they were here than they had been in Midgar.

It wasn't that she and Aerith hadn't discussed things while they traveled, but neither of them knew what to expect, so it had all been conjecture. Until they got into the room, none of them knew how this would play out. For all Sherry knew, it could take them months to figure out how to access the power of the materia, though she sure as hell hoped not. She doubted Veld would give them that long.

Angeal had been correct about the caves. It took then more than an hour to get to the large doors that blocked what they were looking for. As reverent as Sherry felt, and Aerith looked, none of the men hesitated. Not even Genesis. Both of the Banora natives stepped up and had the door open in seconds. Sherry frowned at her husband. He had been terse all morning, and she knew why, but she had hoped that being here would have helped. She sighed as she followed him in and got her first look at the impressive structure.

Once they were in the room, the men fanned out and looked around. Sherry wondered if it was a habit, or if they really felt threats were waiting for them in a room that had probably been locked for over a decade. She somehow managed to keep her mouth shut.

Once they were assured the room was clear, Sephiroth turned to Sherry. "What now?"

She gave him an exasperated look and shook her head. "Now, we do a little examining." She motioned for Aerith to follow her over to the giant branched materia behind the statue of the goddess.

Aerith gave her a nod and started to follow, but before they had taken more than a few steps, Sherry's arm started to burn. Her eyes widened in panic, and she ripped her sleeve up. The pain coming from her brand, and thoughts of becoming c'eith were suddenly the only thing on her mind. As soon as the geometric pattern was exposed, she was both relieved and shocked when her eidolith flew from it.

Both Aerith and Zack gasped, as neither knew what they were seeing. Though Zack had a better understanding of what was going on when he saw a circle of light appear. Genesis was immediately by his wife's side. "What are you doing?"

She bit back the pain and shook her head. "That wasn't me."

His eyes widened, and his head shot up. Everyone in the room watched as the giant flaming bird circled several times before it finally perched on one of the topmost branches of the materia. By that time, the pain had passed, and Sherry tried sending her eidolon several commands. It was not responding. At least she was reasonably sure it was because it was responding to a higher order. Or at least she hoped so.

Her suspicions were shortly proven to be true when Phoenix shocked them all by opening her beak and speaking. "I know why you have all gathered. This place is sacred, and the one place on Gaia the Calamity cannot see. You have done well to seek the planet's aid, but know this will not be an easy task."

Aerith had been clinging to Zack, but when the bird turned to her, instead of shrinking back, she stepped forward. "Child, though you will not be alone, the bulk of this burden will fall to you, as the last of those that can hear the planet without the aid of this place. Are you prepared for what may come?"

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