Talk With Caius

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Chapter 20

All four men stiffened at her suggestion. It was several moments before he finally answered. "I understand that we all need to speak about what is to come. I do not know that I can prepare for what I fear will be said, so I will agree."

He looked at the others to see if they objected. When nothing else was said, he stood and gave Sherry a questioning look. She didn't get to say anything before Noel stood as well. "Let me come too."

Caius gave him a curious look. "I was under the impression that these conversations will be personal. Why do you feel the need to even ask?"

Noel looked slightly abashed at his tone, but he didn't back down. He seemed to firm his resolve and stood straighter before he answered. "In my life, you are the person that taught me everything. You were my mentor and my best friend. I want to help."

Caius gave the younger man a surprised look before he looked over to Sherry. She sighed before she nodded. "It's true."

Caius' look turned thoughtful, and he seemed to be debating something. Finally, he nodded. "I am not certain if you will be able to assist or not, but I will agree if Sherry does not object."

She shrugged. "He already knows the outcome, so his presence won't hurt anything. Are you sure, though? It is personal, and I don't want you to be uncomfortable."

Noel looked slightly upset at the idea that his presence would make Caius uncomfortable, but he didn't say anything. Caius simply looked between them again before he nodded. "If he was indeed my friend, I can understand why he would want to be involved. I have already come to terms with the idea that this story spans centuries, so I will accept all the information I am able. I believe I will need to if I am to decide to act on what you tell me."

Sherry nodded. He wasn't wrong. "If that's agreed, then we can go outside. I am sure we can find a spot for a little privacy." Both men followed her out and down near where she had been earlier with Kaylan. Sherry tried to ignore the thoughts of that conversation as she settled in for the first of the truly uncomfortable discussions.

When Sherry sat in the grass, Caius followed suit, but Noel chose to remain standing. He walked a short distance away and leaned against a tree to watch. She wasn't sure how this would go down, especially with Noel there as well, but she turned to Caius with a worried look. He looked back expectantly, and she sighed. She couldn't face him, so she propped her chin on her knees as she started.

She had to try twice before her voice was loud enough to be heard. "I will try to start with the beginning, or at least where I think the beginning is." She glanced over to him and was surprised to see that he wasn't impatient, but he obviously wanted to get it over with. She tried again. "From what I understand, a short time after you make it as a full guardian, Paddra is attacked by another city-state. I don't know a date or who, but the problem is because you had no advance warning."

His sound of shock drew her gaze. His look was incredulous. "But surely, the Seeress would have seen something like that!"

She shook her head. "By the time she saw them, they were already on the Steppes near the entrance to Paddra. You had no time to bolster defenses or prepare the people. Your only option was to go meet them head-on. It was made worse by the fact that the enemy had sent a group around to penetrate the city from the other side. It was not seen. Your apprentice died defending the Seeress. You ended up-"

She cut herself off. She wasn't sure if telling him that was why he took the Ballad name would be a good move. She was afraid it might influence his choice of apprentice, but then she realized if that were the man picked anyway, it wouldn't matter. She doubted Caius would take the chance of exposing the Seeress to danger, just to save a man he may not have met yet. When she caught his eye, she realized he understood there was something she had stopped herself from saying. She just nodded before she continued. "After it was all over, you ended up commending him for his bravery and took his family name as a show of respect."

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