Reality Interrupts

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Chapter 28

The next day, Sherry had decided to get up and make breakfast. While she was flipping pancakes, she was trying to figure out how things needed to go to get everything settled. Even so, she was more distracted by thoughts of her brother. She knew she was going to have to figure out how to tell him. She couldn't just disappear and him not know what happened. She had already decided to call one of the local lawyers. Mr. Stephen Latham had helped her family several times over the years. Mostly because he had been friends with her mother. He had been known to take a pro bono case here and there and had worked with some of the women from the shelter. Sherry's mother had usually been in the middle of it.

She had already decided that the easiest way to handle things would be to get Daniel set up as co-owner on everything. He was already her beneficiary, but if no one could find her body, things could get locked up for years. She wanted to make it as easy as possible. Getting the papers drawn up wouldn't take much. Getting him to sign everything without a fight was a different story. He would want to know why, and she already knew that telling him the truth over the phone would go over as well as a lead balloon.

She barely acknowledged the thanks from her house guests as she placed the stack of cakes, sausages, and syrup down. They could all tell she was distracted. Genesis had stood to try and find out what was wrong, but he didn't get a chance to say anything before their attention was drawn by an insistent ringing. Sherry looked up in confusion for just a moment until it occurred to her that it was her phone. The real world was finally intruding again.

By the time she made it to the other side of the room, it had stopped ringing. She swiped to see who had called and groaned at the name that came up. She wasn't ready for any of this yet, but she knew that if she didn't call the woman back, there would be hell to pay. She cursed under her breath and ignored the curious looks as she walked down the hall to the room she used as an office and closed the door before she hit redial.

It only rang once before a crisp female voice was heard on the other end. "Why are you not online? I tried to skype you first, but I haven't seen you yet."

Sherry rolled her eyes and quickly thought that it was a good thing the woman on the other end couldn't see her. "Because I'm not supposed to be back for another day? I'm technically still on vacation."

Sherry ignored the woman's exaggerated sigh. "Today is Monday, Sherry. Please don't tell me your little camping trip made you forget how to read a calendar. Your deadline is coming up quick."

Sherry didn't say anything right away. Instead, she pulled the phone away from her ear and looked for the date. When she saw it was indeed Monday, she cursed before she brought the phone back up to her ear. "Sorry Mia, I've had a lot going on the last couple of days and lost track of time. Don't worry about the deadline, though. I got the last copy back from the editor and will start on the changes today. Hopefully, this will be the last time, and you'll have your manuscript."

Sherry could hear the false cheer in the woman's voice and crinkled her nose in disgust. She knew she was in good hands, though, so she tried not to take it personally. "Good! I'm glad to hear it. That isn't why I called, however. I have managed to set up a book signing tour for you. It only hits the big cities of the Eastern seaboard, but there are at least two stops in each city. It won't start until the end of next week, so you have time to prepare."

Sherry was frozen for a few moments. This was the last thing she had expected to have to deal with on top of everything else. She shook her stupor off when she heard Mia call out again. She had to bite back on a curse as she finally answered. "Mia, now is not a great time for that. I have a lot going on and can't really get away."

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