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Chapter 61

As much as Sherry felt what she had done was more than justified, they did have a purpose for being there. She took Genesis by the hand before she spoke. "Well, we did come to speak to you, actually. I hadn't planned on starting trouble."

Tseng bit back on a sigh. He could already tell this was going to bring trouble. Especially when Reno finally found his voice. "Damn! Leave it to Commander Cranky to find the one woman on Gaia that's even better with magic than he is."

They both turned to him with nearly identical expressions. When they spoke at almost the same time, several people had trouble not laughing. "Better?"

Sephiroth looked between the two lovers before he looked back to Angeal. He had no idea where to even start. Genesis was bad enough on his own. On the one hand, this woman seemed to keep his most destructive tendencies in check, but she certainly had no compulsions with making waves. And their display just now. He could already tell that Angeal had a lecture ready for them both. He only hoped it might do some good.

Genesis and Sherry were the only ones not wearing frowns when Tseng motioned for them to follow him into his office. Once they were inside, he gestured for them to sit. Sherry gladly took the offered seat, as her feet were already killing her, but the Soldiers decided to stand. Tseng had not missed the fact that Genesis placed a hand on the woman's shoulder, but the others took up spots along the wall. With their positions, he realized she was to be their spokesperson. He raised a brow at that fact and looked at her with curiosity.

"If it was not your intention to come back and ask for recompense, then why are you here?"

She took a deep breath, and Genesis squeezed her shoulder. Now that she was here in front of the man again, it was a little harder not to be intimidated. She knew Genesis would do what he could, but none of them were safe yet. They could all end up on the wrong side of cage bars if things went badly. Still, nothing would change if she did nothing. "I am here because we have a mutual objective, you and I. I suppose Veld as well, though none of you realize it yet."

Both of the Soldiers against the wall stood straighter at the mention of the Turk Director. The fact that she knew him was news. Even Genesis looked down at his wife with a questioning glance as Tseng sat forward. "Are you sure you want to associate with a Turk? You have seen first-hand that this is a dirty business."

Sherry grimaced at his reminder but nodded anyway. "I have my own reasons." She didn't look back, but she put her hand over Genesis' on her shoulder as she continued. "There is so much going on here that you know nothing about. I know you like to make people believe you are a heartless jackass, but you are not. Mostly, I am only here to give you a heads up as a courtesy."

Tseng frowned at her. Something in her tone was setting off alarms. He didn't have long to worry about it as she continued. "I am only telling you this because my plans will likely have us crossing your path, and I would rather it not be on unfriendly terms."

His frown deepened, but she ignored it. "I will be seeking out Aerith Gainsborough. As the last living Cetra, she will be our best ally to help keep disaster at bay. We will also probably need to seek the aid of Vincent Valentine. Since he was once Veld's partner, I didn't want it to come as a shock that Hojo was unsuccessful in murdering him twenty-odd years ago."

Tseng could feel his stoic mask cracking, but he was on his feet with his hands on his desk. Those few words were more explosive than any bomb. He was so focused on the woman, he didn't even notice the fact that both Angeal and Sephiroth looked just as shocked as he felt. "That is impossible. Vincent was listed as missing in action."

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