Cheering Up

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Chapter 36

Over the next several days, the mood in the house was somber and quiet. The remaining men had a lot to think about, even Genesis. He had agreed to speak about his part after they returned from her business trip, but that didn't mean he wasn't affected by the disappearance of the others. It was concrete proof that the woman had been telling the truth all along. Especially as both Caius and Sephiroth had witnessed the phenomenon. With just Caius, he had been unsure, as he didn't know the man, but with Sephiroth backing him up, there was no denying it.

He also didn't like how haunted his friend had become. Not that they had spoken much since coming to this world. Whatever had happened in the years that separated them was enough to make this future Sephiroth wary of him. That, of course, was another thing that weighed on his mind.

Their hostess spent most of her time holed up in her office, as well. She claimed that she wanted to get the latest batch of edits sent back before they left. He had no doubt that she was working, but he also knew that part of it was mourning. She rarely ever smiled anymore. Genesis wasn't sure why, but that fact bothered him. Which was why he found himself in the bathroom and going through the drawers. He had noticed she always appreciated it when the other two had helped around the house. Perhaps she would smile again if he tidied up a bit.

That was how he found himself staring at several piles of odds and ends. Most of them, he knew what they were and would put them neatly away once he was done. However, there were a handful of things that were foreign to him, and he would need to ask before something was decided. Those he put to the side until he was finished.

Once he was satisfied, he took the few things that he didn't know how to categorize and knocked on Sherry's office door. She bade him enter with a distracted voice. When he opened the door, he found her scowling at her computer screen. He nearly scowled with her. Instead, he called out for her attention.

"I was wondering if you might be able to give me a bit of feedback on what to do with these?"

She looked over to him with a confused frown. "What?"

He held up the items for her inspection. She looked into his hand and poked around for a moment before she picked up one piece and looked up to him with a shocked grin. "Where did you find these?"

He wasn't sure what to make of her smile, but it was a step in the right direction. "I was cleaning the bathroom, and I found these items in the drawers."

She laughed and gave him an incredulous look. "Why were you cleaning the bathroom?"

He tried not to frown at her laughter and only partially succeeded. "I thought it might make it easier on those of us that remain. Since we no longer are as limited in space, I thought we could each use a drawer and have a little more privacy."

Her laughter stopped, but her smile remained. "That was thoughtful. Thank you."

He gave her a nod in acknowledgment and pointed to the item she held. "What is that?"

Her smile dimmed some, and her eyes took on a faraway cast. "I can't believe he didn't throw these away years ago."

Genesis frowned slightly but cleared it off his face as she grinned up. "Do you know what these are?"

He raised a brow at her. "If I had known, I would not have bothered you."

She chuckled at his sardonic tone. "Sorry, I guess that doesn't surprise me." She tossed the box up once and caught it before she gave him another look and laughed. "With that being the case, I'm not sure how to explain."

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