Talk With Zack

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Chapter 29

There was silence for several moments before Cloud finally spoke up. "You asked for two rooms, but I get the feeling that wouldn't be enough for all of us. Why?"

Sherry sighed and leaned into her hands again. She didn't get to answer before Zack spoke softly. "You don't think we'll still be around, do you?"

Her look was pained when she caught his eye and shook her head. "I can't say for sure, but I'm not going to put off talking to any of you. If it stays the same, then no, I don't think at least a couple of you will be around for much longer."

Zack paled and stared into space at her answer. She was surprised that was all he did. Even if they had already discussed the possible outcomes, knowing it was probably going to happen soon had to test his resolve.

Her attention was caught when Cloud called out. He was frowning when she turned to him. He shot a quick glance in Sephiroth's direction before he spoke. "If Zack and I leave, will you be-" He cut himself off again and glanced at the Firsts. Genesis raised a brow at the look, and Sephiroth's frown grew.

Sherry shook her head and spoke up before the situation became volatile. "Yes, I'll be fine. If you think about it, you will only leave if things are so profoundly changed that it keeps the worst from happening." She paused and looked at Zack. He was still pale, but he was focused again. She gave him a smile before she turned back to Cloud. "I don't think talking to Zack will change much, so if it happens, then it'll be because things are going to be better."

She hadn't wanted to come out and say that Cloud was already mostly who he currently was by Zack's point in the timeline, or that if they did disappear that it would mean neither First would become a murdering psychopath. Still, she felt she got her point across. Even if the two Firsts in question were now giving her blatantly curious glares. She ignored them as Cloud nodded.

At that, she leaned back so she could face them all. "If you are all still here in a week, then I'll figure out the third room. If not, then I want to verify that everyone else will be coming. I will be gone for a little under three weeks. Not long, but I still need to ask. Since I will be driving, there will be room for everyone if you all decide to come."

No one spoke right away. She watched as they all took in what she had said. She noted with curiosity that Sephiroth's gaze was slowly turning more contemplative. She didn't have to wait long to find out why, as he was the first to look up and answer. "If we go, then it will give us the chance to see more of your world?"

Sherry blinked a couple of times as her mind started whirling with all the things she hadn't yet considered. She groaned as she realized the pain in the ass it would become if any of the men in front of her were spotted in a city. When they gave her a worried look, she finally nodded. "Yeah, you'd get to see some of the biggest cities in this country. I imagine we'll probably have to stop in the Capital as well. From what I understand, we'll be in each city at least two days, and I'll be stuck in a book store or library the whole day. If you go, you can explore. I would ask you to have a little caution, though."

They all gave her looks that ranged from offended to curious. She realized how that probably came out and shook her head. "It isn't that I think you will get in trouble, but you all stand out. In cities those sizes, it wouldn't surprise me if there were people that recognize you."

They all sat up straighter at that, and Sherry really wanted to kick herself. "Not as yourselves, but as people pretending to be you. It wouldn't surprise me if you got compliments on your costumes. There might even be a few people that would ask for pictures. Crowds get weird. If you're going to explore, just keep that in mind. And whatever you do, don't start anything. You don't have any kind of identification that would be valid for here, and if you get arrested, god knows the trouble it would be. Just keep a low profile is all I would ask."

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