It All Comes Out

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Chapter 82

When Sherry and Genesis finally made it into the room with the others, they were greeted with an awkward silence. Zack was staring at Vincent with open interest, while the other teens were trying not to look embarrassed by standing next to him. Veld looked like he had no idea what to say to the man he had thought dead for two decades, and Sephiroth didn't seem to be faring any better. Especially not after he got a good look at Vincent's face and understood very well what Sherry meant when she said they looked alike. Angeal and Tseng were the only ones that weren't staring at the ex-Turk, but the former did give Genesis a hard look when they walked back in. All-in-all, it was like walking into a minefield.

Sherry nearly groaned as her analogy hit too close to home when Veld pinned her with a glare. "You. I have so many questions, and there will be no more deflections."

Genesis practically growled next to her, but Vincent spoke up with a frown. "I agree. We were interrupted before you were able to explain anything. How did you even know where to find me? Or what happened to me? Or who I am?"

Veld looked at Vincent with thinly veiled horror at all the things that had changed and the one thing that hadn't, his visible age, before he looked back at Sherry pointedly. "All excellent questions, among others. I was finally able to piece together why Commander Hewley was so pissed, and that adds one more layer, so you both will sit right there and explain this all."

For once, Sherry was just as irritated as Genesis. She shook her head at his imperious tone and glared right back. "Why should we bother? It isn't as though you have made a secret of the fact that you really don't believe us. Why should we tell you everything just so you can deride us more and waste our time? We don't have much of it left."

Genesis pulled her back when Veld took a threatening step forward. They stood staring daggers at each other for several seconds before Genesis shocked several of them when he pulled something out of an inner pocket of his duster and handed it to Veld with a warning. "Do not rip a single page. That is the only copy printed on Gaia."

Veld took the book with a sneer, but he flipped it open curiously. It was no secret that the Commander was a literature fanatic. Why the fiery man felt the book was relevant was the question. Veld had his answer soon enough. His head shot up, and he pinned them both with a shocked look. "What is this supposed to be? 2019? How?"

Sherry sighed and shook her head at her husband before she answered. "The publication date is December 2019 because it was published on another planet, Earth, where I am from. The timeline there is different than the one here on Gaia."

Several gasps were heard around the room, and Zack's 'wow' was heard above them all. Veld had looked back down at the book before he looked back at her. "Wilson?"

She gave him a longsuffering look. "It's called a maiden name. I was Sherry Wilson before we married. That was my second book."

Vincent broke into the conversation. "I find it hard to believe you are from another planet, but even if that were so, that does not explain how you knew anything."

She took a deep breath and shook her head. "You're right. I suppose Genesis was trying to offer tangible proof of the story we have to tell. If you want it all, then you need to settle in. It's long and ugly, and it's going to take us the rest of the evening without interruptions."

Veld tilted his head slightly as he handed the book back to Genesis. Once he had it tucked back into its spot, he led her to a seat and pulled her down next to him. They shared a look. It was something they had discussed a few times, whether they would share the whole story, possible future, and all if they had to. Neither of them wanted their friends to know what might have been, not now, but they did deserve to know that they weren't being lied to. If they felt they were keeping things from them, then it would be even harder for them to accept what needed to be done. It was a fine line for them to walk. Still, it was a line Sherry had some experience with already. Genesis kissed her temple, and she smiled up at him before they turned to the rest of the room and launched into the tale of how they met and the others that had changed their lives forever.

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