What It Means To Be L'Cie

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Chapter 83

The next morning found the group, minus Tifa, once again gathered in the same room. They were subdued as they trickled in, and Sherry and Genesis were the last ones to enter. Neither of them looked as though they had slept much the night before. Not that the rest of the group looked well-rested either.

Cloud was huddled with Zack and Aerith, and they all looked miserable. After having the night to think about everything, the two oldest teens realized what was coming and were not looking forward to saying goodbye, even if it was for different reasons. Zack wasn't too fond of Genesis, but he knew Angeal was. Aerith was going to miss Sherry. As for Cloud, he already missed his mom, even though he wasn't gone yet. At least she had given him a cheery send-off that morning.

Angeal was still scowling when the couple came in, but silence reigned until Veld finally broke it. "I have had time to consider your words, and honestly, I see no reason for you to lie. You haven't asked us to do anything. Your purpose in coming wasn't primarily for Vincent even, you just took advantage of the location while you were here. The only reason you're here is to go to that reactor, isn't it?"

Sherry gave him a haunted look that reminded him uncomfortably of the one from the night before. She managed a ghost of her usual smile. "Glad we got that out of the way. Can we get ready to go then?"

Angeal stood swiftly and nearly shouted. "Absolutely not! Neither of you is going to go up there and throw your lives away!"

Sherry stood as well but managed to keep her shout behind her teeth. She took a few deep breaths that were helped when Genesis stood next to her. She finally shook her head and gave Angeal a sad look. "We aren't trying to throw our lives away. Our lives have not been our own from the moment we were marked. We have two choices. You have two choices. We can either go to the reactor to fulfill our focus, and you can let us, or you can force us to stay here, and we become c'eith. If that happens, you will have to kill us. I know you don't want that."

Angeal growled and shook his head. "There has to be another way."

Genesis laughed bitterly. "Do you think I have not looked? Did you think I did not ask the goddess myself?"

The bear of a commander crossed his arms and turned away. It was several seconds before he turned back with a pleading expression. "Surely, it would not hurt to at least take some time and try to look for another way."

Sherry sighed and shook her head. She turned to her husband. "Genesis, have you checked your brand since we got to Nibelheim?"

His eyes widened. Her tone held resignation, and his hand shot out and grabbed her arm. He pushed up her sleeve so he could see where her brand was nearly a third of the way open already. His eyes shot to hers. "It wasn't like this in Banora."

She shook her head with glistening eyes. "No, it started progressing rapidly as soon as we got here. I've been paranoid about checking it ever since I woke up. Call it not wanting to get burned again."

He dropped her hand and checked his own. He gave her a worried look when he saw that it was nearly identical. His voice was low. "What does this mean?"

She looked over to Angeal when she answered. "It means that we might have two, maybe three days, if we're lucky." She grabbed Genesis' hand and squeezed before she looked back at Angeal. "Don't think this is easy for us. Going back to that crystal sleep terrifies me, but the thought of becoming c'eith scares me more. The thought of Genesis becoming c'eith petrifies me to my bones. I can't let that happen."

She was interrupted when Aerith ran over and wrapped her in a crushing hug. The girl was crying, and Sherry could hardly understand her. "I don't know why the planet would do this to you."

Sherry patted her hair and tried to console her. "It's alright. Sometimes these things don't make sense to us, but there is a plan. I can't say I get it, but I can say that I found the man I love because of how this started. I can't regret it. I have to see the good. I can't focus on the bad. You shouldn't either."

Angeal's eyes softened as he realized the woman was right. Even if they couldn't change their fate, they had accepted it, and focusing on the negativity during their last moments was not a good thing. He smiled as he watched his best friend practically glow at his wife's words. If nothing else, he was happy to see that. Satisfied that his friend had found a woman that could stand beside him.

He put his hand on Genesis' shoulder. "I won't stop you, but if you think the two of you are going alone, you're crazy."

Genesis smirked, and Sherry laughed wetly as she extricated herself from Aerith. They both gave him a nod as Veld and Sephiroth joined them. The General was frowning. "From what we have already been told, it would be best to expect the unexpected. Just because we are protected from her influence does not mean she will be unprotected. It would be wise to go as a team."

Veld nodded. "Besides, I want to see this first-hand. Tseng and I will both go as well."

Sherry rolled her eyes at him but laughed when Zack piped up. "You're not leaving me."

Angeal pinned him with a mock glare. "No, I doubt we could." Zack just grinned at him.

Sephiroth then turned to Vincent, as he had been quietly watching from the corner. "And what of you?"

The ex-Turk raised a brow. "I'm up already. I might as well see how much of their story is true before I decide what to do next."

At Vincent's answer, Sephiroth turned to Cloud. "Cadet, you would be the quickest as you know where she lives, please retrieve Miss Lockhart and meet us at the head of the trail. Be prepared for the hike to the reactor and back."

Cloud jumped to attention at being called cadet and flushed, but saluted smartly before he rushed to do as he was told. Genesis raised a brow at the General. "Cadet?"

Sephiroth looked over at them both, his eyes lingered a little on Sherry before he answered Genesis. "I may not have seen what you did, but despite his cringing and blushing, it takes determination to face us. It may be buried, but I believe that if tempered correctly, the warrior you saw can be found once more. I will find him."

Genesis gave Sephiroth a curt nod. "Then I will leave First Tsurgi in your care until it can be passed on." That was all that was said as they headed out.

Sherry grabbed Sephiroth's attention as the rest were leaving. She didn't say anything as she held out a thick manilla envelope. When he eyed it curiously, she shrugged. "Just promise you'll read through it before you return to Midgar. It's from both of us."

He raised a brow, and she chuckled. "Don't give me that look. You can't expect him to change overnight just because his life is on the line."

Sephiroth gave her a sad smile and nodded. "You have my word." With that, they both turned to follow the rest to wait for the two teens.

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