Unpleasant Reality

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Chapter 18

When they all gave her curious looks, Sherry realized that she really didn't want to tell them the truth. For some reason, thoughts of watching them as she played, of their interactions, battles, and everything else, seemed even more intimate than reading about them would have been, and she found that she didn't want to tell them about that format. When she caught Sephiroth's eye; however, her worry was crushed. The look he was giving her made sure she understood they would hear the truth, or she would not like the alternative. She swallowed hard and gave him a nod. He only raised a brow.

She turned back to the others and sighed. She wished once again that it had been someone else chosen. She managed to steel her nerves and look them all in the eye one at a time before she continued. "Fine, if you must know, I am familiar with your worlds through a series of games."

Caius looked confused, but the rest gave her disbelieving looks. Sephiroth's voice was hard when he finally spoke. "You expect us to believe that our trials have been trivialized for children to play?"

She clenched her jaw and shook her head. "They aren't really for children, although I know some have played them. Honestly, it is more like an interactive movie than a children's game. But I can't deny that I can understand why you are so offended. I wish- I wish it wasn't like this for your sake. The only thing I can offer is that no one really believes they could be true. The level of hardship would be more than most could bear. There might be people lining up to help, but most wouldn't be able to handle the facts. I'm sorry. I wish I could tell you something different."

She watched as Sephiroth's jaw clenched, and he turned away. She watched his fists clench several times and wished there was something she could do to make it better for them all. She was pulled from those thoughts by Genesis. "Even with what you have said, you cannot expect us to accept this so easily."

She gave him a nod. "You're right." She found herself floundering and had no idea what to say to make it bearable, as there was no way she could make it right. It was several moments before she finally thought of something that could help. It probably wouldn't make them feel better about the circumstances, but hopefully, it would help them understand at least. "I can understand why this would upset you all but think about it this way. I am sure you all have books you enjoy that you have read before, correct?"

As she looked around for their nods, she saw that Noel must have joined them at some point, and by the look on his face had heard the last part of their conversation. None of them commented, so she tried to forge ahead. "Ok, well, Genesis, picture this. The book you were reading earlier, let's say you were walking along, and suddenly, you were confronted with Richard, and he provided you with irrefutable proof that he was real. How would you handle that? What would you tell him?"

Genesis' look turned contemplative, but his scowl returned when he spoke. "It is not the same as he is obviously a fictional character."

She growled in frustration. "Yes, he is, and before I met you all in that cave, so were you. To the people of this planet and me anyway. Until I got sucked down this rabbit hole, I never even thought that any of you were more than fictional characters. Characters I empathized with, but characters all the same."

It was Caius that stepped up and put a hand on her shoulder. His look was hard, but not angry. "I believe I understand what you are trying to say. You cannot be held accountable for someone else sharing stories of our lives because you appreciate them. I will not say that it does not still make me uncomfortable knowing there are so many familiar with the things I have been through, but I know it is not of your doing."

She gave him a nod as she tried to keep herself from crying again. None of this was fair to any of them. The only light she had was that hopefully, most of them would never remember the pain or have to go through it in the first place once they were gone.

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