Preparing to Leave

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Chapter 68

The following morning, Sherry and Genesis were making a show of leaving on a honeymoon. It was supposed to have them gone for a few weeks and helped cover their departure together since it would have been strange for her to accompany him on a mission. It also helped explain the packs they both carried. They would need the supplies if they were going to be traveling for an unknown amount of time, so it worked in their favor.

It was as they were leaving the building that they ran into their first snag. Sherry wasn't sure if it was a good sign or not, but a worried-looking Zack stopped them as they were walking out. "Hey! Commander Rhapsodos! Wait a minute!"

Genesis was scowling when he turned to see Zack bound over to them. His voice showed enough irritation to make Zack take a step back. "What do you need?"

Sherry gave Zack kudos when she saw him stop himself from taking more than one step and squared his shoulders. "I was hoping you could tell me where Angeal was. We were supposed to train last night, and he never showed up. He wasn't in his apartment either, and no one else has seen him."

Genesis' brow furrowed further as he looked at Sherry. She gave him a shrug and a nod. He sighed at her nonverbal answer to his unspoken question before he turned and grabbed Zack's shoulder. "Come with me."

Zack looked terrified for a moment, but he still followed close behind them as they walked toward the train station. It wasn't until they were almost there that Genesis spoke again. He turned to Zack and glared at him. "What I am going to tell you is dangerous, so keep your voice down."

Zack's eyes widened, but he nodded. He wasn't sure what to think of Genesis, but he knew that Angeal was the man's best friend, and he needed answers. At his nod, Genesis lowered his voice even further. "We have all been assigned to a top-secret mission. Angeal and Sephiroth left last night, and we will be meeting up with them."

Zack's eyes had somehow gotten even wider, but he didn't interrupt as Genesis continued. "I am certain that Angeal did not tell you because he felt he was protecting you, but I think you at least deserve the opportunity to decide for yourself. If you come with us, it could mean death, or worse. I will not share more unless you decide to take that chance. If you do not, then rest assured that Angeal will be back if and when he can."

Zack blinked in shock several times before he was able to shake it off. His looked turned determined. "I know Angeal can handle himself, but I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I didn't at least try to help. Count me in."

Genesis smirked at his enthusiasm. Had this been before he had met the future version of the boy, he might have handled things differently, but he already knew the potential the Puppy could attain. As annoying as he still found the Second most days, he would not hold him back. "If that is the case, gather your things for a mission that is likely to take at least a month and wait for us outside the Sector Five gates. We will join you as soon as we finish our preparations."

"Yes, Sir!" Zack gave him an exuberant salute and a grin before he turned and ran off.

Once he was gone, Sherry gave Genesis a quick hug. When she pulled back, she was smiling, but her eyes looked worried. "I know he deserves the chance to find out for himself, but it's hard knowing he is still innocent."

Genesis shook his head as he took her hand and pulled her toward the train. "Infinite in mystery is the gift of the Goddess. I may not know the future, but I do know that what I saw of the Zack on Earth was enough to prove to me that he is far more competent than I ever gave him credit for. I cannot take this from him."

He paused and kissed her temple. "It is not something you should be worried about right now. Instead, you should be focused on how you plan to distract our tail long enough for me to retrieve our guest."

Sherry grimaced at his reminder. "Don't worry, all I need to do is cause enough of an uproar, so they are watching me and not you. I'm sure something will present itself, or I'll make it." He did not look happy with her response but held his tongue as they boarded the train down to the Sector Five slums.

Once they got to the market, they took their time going through the stalls. Genesis didn't have to pretend to be impatient, but Sherry just winked at him every time she caught him frowning. They were supposed to be enjoying themselves. After she bought a pretty ribbon she found, she then took his hand and led him toward the next sector.

At it happened, the playground was right in between, and the opportunity Sherry had been looking for called out to her from his spot on top of the slide. "Hey! Hey, you!"

Sherry chuckled as the boy nearly tumbled down the slick surface as he tried to jump down. It wasn't until he was almost to them that he took in Genesis' presence and stopped a short distance away. He still managed to smile as Sherry waved to him. "Hey, Kid. How's it going?"

He side-stepped so that Sherry was between him and the intimidating redhead beside her as he answered. "Great! I wanted to apologize for not trusting ya the other day."

Sherry shook her head. "Don't worry about it. I understand. I'm just glad it all worked out."

By that time, the boy had noticed her pack. "Where ya goin'?"

She looked back at Genesis with a soft smile before she answered. "We are about to leave on our honeymoon. I just asked if we could tour part of the city as we were leaving."

The boy's eyes widened. He leaned to the side and looked at Genesis with open shock before he scooted a little closer to Sherry and lowered his voice. "You're marryin' him?"

She couldn't hold in a snort and nodded. "We are already married. Don't worry, he isn't as scary as he looks."

The boy gulped at the glare Genesis was giving him. Sherry looked back at her husband and made a shooing motion. "Why don't you see if you can find some materia you like down here. I'll find you in a few minutes."

Even though he didn't lose his glare, Sherry could see the genuine worry in his eyes. Her smile softened, and she winked at him. "I promise I'll call if I need help."

His lips thinned, but he came to kiss her cheek before he followed her advice. His voice was pitched so low, even she could barely hear him. "Stay safe." She squeezed his hand before he walked away.

When she turned back, the boy was staring slack-jawed. It took him a few moments to pull himself back together. He was shaking his head as he looked up at her. "Wasn't he a Soldier?"

Sherry grinned and nodded. "Yep. Commander Genesis Rhapsodos, Soldier First-Class."

"Wow." Sherry tried not to laugh at the boy's look. She could tell he was a little awed to see a Soldier up close, but he was still wary. It wasn't surprising given the fact that they lived in the Midgar slums. They were a lot closer to the nasty side of Shinra.

By that time, several of the other children had made their way over as well. One of the other boys poked 'Kid' in the arm. That seemed to work to get him out of his trance. He glared at his friend before he turned back to Sherry. "Where ya goin' when ya leave Midgar?"

Sherry hadn't expected that question, so it took her a moment to think of something reasonable. She shrugged. "We don't really have an itinerary. There are several places I would like to visit, but I think the first will be his home town. I haven't gotten to meet his parents yet. After that, we might go to the beach, or we might go skiing. I just don't know yet."

Kid tilted his head to the side and gave her a curious look. "Skiing? What is that?"

Sherry gave him a surprised look. "It's where you strap these long thin pieces of wood to your feet and plummet down the side of a mountain in the snow."

He gave her a look that clearly said he thought she was crazy. She laughed and shook her head. "It isn't as bad as I made it sound. It's pretty fun, even if it is cold."

His brows furrowed for a moment. "I've heard some of the people that moved to Midgar talk about snow, but I've never seen it. Is it really all that cold?"

Sherry's eyes widened as she realized this was the opportunity she had been waiting for. She turned her head and saw Genesis standing a short distance away and watching her with a frown. She gave him the barest of nods, but she knew he understood when his eyes widened. She didn't wait to see him slip away, she knew he would be ready as soon as she gave him a chance.

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