Sneak Attack

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Chapter 24

Sherry had managed to duck under the water to evade Zack's attack, and further shocked him when she swam back up under him. After she pulled him under unexpectedly, they both came up laughing. When he tried to dunk her, she preempted him and swam a short distance away. When she came up again, she held up her arms. "Peace!"

He eyed her warily, but she didn't do more than swim until she was close enough to whisper to him. He gave her a curious look when she tilted her head back towards the shore. "Have you noticed that the rest of them haven't gotten in the water yet?"

He gave her a curious look. "Yeah. So?"

She grinned deviously, and it sparked his curiosity. "How about we cool them off a little. I'm sure the sun has to be warm."

His eyes widened, and he laughed. "Let's go!"

She grabbed him before he could take off. Her expression had sobered some. "Just don't go after Cloud. He has his reasons. Okay?"

Zack frowned slightly. It wasn't the first time that her words made him worried for his friend, but his concern was quickly wiped away when she took off with another grin. "I'm sure you can beat me there, but I'm not going down easy."

He grinned and let her have a little more of a head start before he raced after her. He ended up reaching the shallows a couple of seconds before she did, but she barely stopped before she grinned widely and grabbed a double handful of water. Zack could hardly believe his eyes when she tossed it at where Sephiroth and Genesis were seated.

Everyone but Sherry froze in shock. She was laughing like a madwoman as she did it again. By that point, Genesis was on his feet with a scowl. She snickered at the face he was making before she took off back toward the deep part. Zack really had planned on perpetrating the act with her, but when he watched as Genesis stalked into the shallows, he had to take a step back. His gaze was drawn back to the shore when he heard the General call out to his friend. Genesis completely ignored it.

Zack wasn't sure if Sephiroth looked more irritated or concerned. The girl, Kaylan, was also watching with a look that turned more anxious by the second. They were all frozen until they heard a shriek. Zack turned to see that Genesis had caught up to Sherry, and even though they were in the deep part of the water, he had managed to lift her over his head. Zack could see her widened eyes as she was suddenly airborne.

Both Zack and Sephiroth hurried into the water, but it was only a couple of seconds later that they both froze when she came back up laughing. She was laughing so hard that she seemed to be floundering. Genesis' scowl deepened, but to those that knew him, they could tell it was only covering up the fact that he was trying to hide a smile.

When Genesis reached her side, he tried to hold her up, so she wouldn't go under with her laughter. She finally calmed at his help, but she was still grinning. She wiped at the corner of her eyes, where she had started to tear up from laughing so hard. It didn't do much good as she was still in the water. She managed to start treading water on her own before she spoke. "Well, I guess you are capable of playing around. You know, it doesn't hurt to enjoy yourself."

He frowned slightly. "There are many ways in which I enjoy myself. They normally do not include partaking in childlike behavior."

She laughed again, but it was subdued. She gave him a soft smile. "I can understand if it isn't your cup of tea, and I suppose I should apologize. It's just that you looked bored."

He huffed at her assessment, and she chuckled. "Besides, I learned that happiness is what you make it. You need to learn to let go occasionally. Life will try its damnedest to snuff your light out if you let it."

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