Talk With Sephiroth

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Chapter 34

The next morning, found Sherry helping Daniel get the girls loaded before the sun was even up. They were both barely awake, but that didn't stop her from trying to smother them with kisses. At least they were both too sleepy to notice how wet those kisses were. Once they were buckled, Daniel came around and gathered her up into a tight hug and didn't let go for several minutes. Neither sibling was ready to face the reality of what parting would mean yet. Finally, he stepped back and patted her shoulder awkwardly. She chuckled wetly at the action and shook her head. "Give Sam my love."

He nodded and headed to the driver's side. Once he was buckled, he rolled down the window and gave her a stern look. "When you come to visit, tell that redhead he isn't welcome."

Sherry had to clamp down on the sudden urge to laugh. She knew why he was angry, but he was just going to have to deal with it. She raised a brow. "Little brother, if they come with me, they come with me."

He grimaced and shook his head, but he didn't say anything else about it. Instead, his gaze softened again. "See you soon."

"Yeah." She stepped back and waved as he rolled the window up and drove off. She stood there and cried until she was interrupted by a voice behind her.

"Would you like to talk about it?"

She nearly screamed as she whirled around to see Caius near the corner of the house. She had her hand on her chest as she tried to get her breathing under control. It was several seconds later that she frowned at him. "Have you been sleeping outside?"

He chuckled at her question and joined her. He looked down the long driveway before he finally answered. "It is sometimes easier for me to deal with thoughts of home when I can see the sky."

Sherry suddenly felt like shit for a whole new reason. "I'm sorry. I know this has to be hard for all of you, too, being yanked into a whole new reality."

He looked over at her with a soft smile. "All the more reason for me to understand how you feel."

She took a deep breath and let it out before she gave him a shaky smile. "Would you like to take a walk?"

When all he did was nod, she headed toward the trail around her property that she knew well. The sun would be up soon, so she wasn't worried. They ended up not talking much, but it was enough to know that someone else knew what she was facing and understood exactly how she felt. By the time the sun was high enough in the sky to dry the dew, they had returned, and Sherry no longer felt like she was going to fall apart at the first mention of her brother's visit.

When they made it inside, Zack grinned at her from the kitchen. He had already made pancakes, and Cloud had set the table. The quiet blonde managed a smile as well. "We thought you might appreciate the help."

Sherry immediately gave them both a hug. Cloud protested at the action, but Zack nearly lifted her off her feet. She laughed at his exuberance. Once she was standing again, she turned to see Sephiroth and Genesis in the living room. The latter was scowling slightly but didn't say anything as they all gathered at the table. Nothing else was said until the meal was finished.

As the table was being cleared, Sherry turned to Sephiroth. "I suppose it would make sense to go ahead and speak with you."

Everyone froze at her words. Half of the group knew what a pivotal point this would be, and weren't sure how to feel about it. When Sephiroth nodded in agreement, Zack was quick to speak up. "I want to be there!"

Sherry looked between the men in concern. She knew that by Sephiroth's point in the timeline, the two of them were friends, but she also knew that by Zack's, there had been a lot of betrayals. Still, Zack wasn't the kind to hold a grudge. Sephiroth couldn't see anything other than concern in the younger First's eyes. He turned back to Sherry. "I understand that my decisions could affect his presence here. If so, it would make sense if he is there as well."

Before Sherry could agree, Cloud spoke up. "If that is the case, then I should go as well."

Despite how calm his tone had been, several frowns were pointed his way. Sherry was glad that it was Zack that spoke up. "Spikey, I know what you have riding on this, too, but are you sure that's smart?"

Cloud frowned. "I know more than anyone what is at stake."

Sherry shook her head. "Ultimately, it is up to Sephiroth, not me or you." At that, she turned to the General. "I understand you have no personal connection to him, even if he feels he has one with you. I will not force the issue if you don't want it."

A strange look passed through Sephiroth's eyes, and he didn't speak right away. It was several seconds before he addressed Cloud. "It is true you defeated me? That we were equals on the field of battle?"

Cloud shifted slightly and looked to the side, but his gaze hardened, and he looked back with a frown. "It's true that I faced you when I had to in order to defend what I held dear. I defeated you because I had no other option."

Sephiroth digested that information for several seconds. They all ignored the huff from Genesis as the General finally came to some sort of conclusion. "I will allow your presence as long as you abide by our hostess' rules."

When Cloud nodded in agreement, they all turned to Sherry. All the goodwill she had gained from her walk with Caius was quickly evaporating. She looked over to the guardian to see that he was giving her a guarded look. He, too, knew that this would bring them one step closer to getting him home. Even if she had more work of her own to complete, these men deserved her all to get them back. It was a sobering thought. She took a deep breath and gestured to the three men. "Let's go find a quiet spot and settle in. This may take a bit."

Once Sherry was confident they were far enough away that Genesis couldn't overhear, she stopped and tried to find a spot to settle. She doubted this conversation would be any easier than any of her previous ones. Zack did the same, though Sephiroth and Cloud both chose to stand.

Sherry gave the General a contemplative look before she sighed and spoke. "Let me start out by making sure we are on the same page. You know Hojo is a pathological liar, right?"

Sephiroth frowned slightly, but he huffed a bitter laugh when he answered. "He is a walking mass of complexes. A pathological liar is only one of them."

Sherry nodded. "Yeah, megalomaniac, narcissist, psychopath. Those are just a few. The point is, I wanted to make sure that when I tell you some of these things that you understand, he has been lying to you your whole life."

His gaze sharpened, but he only nodded. At that, Sherry straightened her shoulders and jumped right in. "The first thing you need to know is that Jenova is not your mother. Your real mother is a woman named Lucrecia Crescent. She was Hojo's lab assistant and his wife, though he stole you from her as soon as you were born."

Sephiroth's eyes widened, but he didn't say anything. Not that he had much of a chance. Before anything else could be said, Cloud spoke up. "Hojo isn't your father either."

Both Sephiroth and Zack looked to him with confusion, and Sherry looked like she wanted to smack him. Her frustration showed in her voice. "Really? Now is not the time for that."

Sephiroth's sharp gaze transferred back to her. "And why not?"

She sighed and glared at Cloud, but answered. "Because I am not really sure about that point."

The General's brows drew down in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"It is a long story that is full of drama and pain, but it's also very clouded. A Turk named Vincent Valentine was assigned to Nibelheim during the beginning of the Jenova project as a guard. He and your mother were lovers, but she got scared and left him and immediately married Hojo. She also got pregnant at that time, so it is unclear who your father is."

Sephiroth put one hand to his forehead for several seconds before he lowered it and glared at her. "Jenova project? I thought you said Jenova was not my mother?"

Sherry let out an aggravated sigh and pinned Cloud with a glare of her own. "See, this is why people need to shut up, sit down, and let me do the talking."

At least the blonde had the wherewithal the look abashed. He did as suggested and found a seat. Sherry then turned back to Sephiroth. "Let's start over."

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