Meeting the Parents

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Chapter 73

Everyone froze except for the fiery Commander. He reached his hand out and ran it down the sleek white wing that looked nothing like it had previously. It was only a moment later that Sherry had landed and jumped off her own eidolon and was by his side. She threw her arms around his waist and reassured herself he was alright before she finally took a breath and looked up at him. "You did it. This is his gestalt form. This is how you can ride him and work together with him like I do with Phoenix."

His arm had gone around her waist without thought when she latched onto him. He listened when she spoke before he turned back to his eidolon. "Ride him?" He pulled her closer for a second, and neither said anything for several seconds. Finally, he looked around at everyone and nodded to his friends and the others that had helped. "Thank you all. Had you not been here, this would have been difficult."

Angeal was the first to answer. "Of course, we are glad to help, but why did we have to? Why did it attack in the first place? Do they attack randomly?"

Genesis frowned, but it was Sherry that answered. She pulled back enough to see them all. "No. Once an eidolon has been subdued, it will respond to the l'cie it is tied to without fail. The first time is supposed to test a l'cie's resolve. If there is any doubt or sometimes if a l'cie no longer wants to go on, their eidolon is sent to grant them release in the form of death. Once their resolve is proven, a bond is formed that is unbreakable. Each eidolon is unique to the l'cie they are bound to.

Sephiroth frowned at her. "That seems harsh. Did you also go through this?"

Genesis growled at the question. "Yes. Please do not remind me of that day."

Zack unwisely piped up. "Why? You're both here, and I know you love Sherry, so there was no way you didn't help her! If that's the way it goes, at least you worked together then too!"

Genesis glared at the boy. It didn't last long before he looked away, and his jaw clenched before he spoke in a voice so low they almost didn't hear him. "I did not fight."

Sherry grabbed his hand and waited until he met her eye. She gave him a determined look. "No, but what you did was more important. If you hadn't taken my brother from the fight, I would have failed. Daniel's safety was more important to me than my life. He may have combat training, but he is no Soldier or l'cie."

Genesis clenched his jaw several more times before he finally relaxed, and much to everyone's surprise, smirked as he pulled on her hand, so she leaned toward him. When she was close enough, he placed a feathery kiss on her temple before he answered. "Perhaps. Though, I believe you may have underestimated him. I wore that bruise for three days."

Sherry blushed and chuckled despite herself. She leaned back and shook her head at him. "I already apologized."

Their conversation was interrupted by Angeal. "I had no idea you left a family behind."

Sherry's shoulder's slumped when she turned to him, but not for long. There was no point in brooding about it now. Especially not with an audience. She managed to shrug. "I wasn't trying to keep it from you, but I really didn't want to talk about it."

Sephiroth gave her an unreadable look before he turned to the rest. "I believe we have spent enough time here. We still have plans to discuss. Let us get to our destination."

Genesis frowned at the General but agreed that they needed to keep moving. With barely a thought, he dismissed Alexander and watched in fascination as a crystal feather floated back into his arm before they all turned to walk the short distance to his childhood home.

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