New Focus

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Chapter 58

Tseng stood in the room and watched the Soldiers leave with the Commander's wife, or supposed wife anyway. At the very least, the Commander had confirmed her story in that single conversation. Though that didn't answer all his questions by far. So, she really had saved him and taken him into her home before getting him back to his troops. The fact that Genesis cared for her was no lie, either. He had never seen the man angrier than he had been when he saw her chained to that chair. He could admit to himself at least that he had been slightly apprehensive that the man was about to try and burn the floor down around them.

What he found even more interesting was her reaction. She would have been justified in requesting Genesis to take revenge for the things done to her, but instead, she had forced him to focus on her and insisted that he not do more than take her from the place. He had already begun to wonder about what kind of life she had lived that she was able to shrug off their treatment of her with nothing more than embarrassment and irritation. Part of it, obviously, was the fact that she knew it would only be until Genesis returned. He could see that much with hindsight. Still, even if he could not openly move against the woman for the moment, he wasn't ready to walk away. Not yet. There was more there than met the eye, he was sure.


While Angeal went to find food, Sephiroth followed Genesis to his apartment with Sherry. The redhead scowled as the General followed them, but relented as he heard her stomach growl again. He had more important things to worry about at the moment. At least Sephiroth stayed in the living room and gave them some privacy. Genesis took her straight to his bedroom even though she had said food first. His first concern was clothing. He was still livid at the fact that she had been nearly nude.

He gently set her on the bed and tried to find something suitable for her to wear until they could find something else that was her size. He sighed as he realized the best he would be able to give her would be one of his shirts. There would be no way any of his pants would stay up. She took it gratefully and let his jacket fall before she slid it on.

He watched with gritted teeth as she fumbled with the buttons for a moment before he knelt and moved her hands aside. She sighed and let him handle it. As she watched him frowning at his task, she finally smiled and spoke up. "I do have one question for you."

He looked up, and his eyes softened when he saw the look she was giving him. Part of him wanted to take her into the bathroom and help her clean up before he brought her back to bed, but he knew now was not the time. He was capable of patience. The cause for the need of it kept his rage at a slow boil. At least until she reached out and put her hand over his. She gave him a smirk. "Your wife, huh?"

Her question was so unexpected that it took him a moment to formulate a response. He finally cupped her face and placed his forehead against hers. His voice was low and full of all the emotion he had been trying to cope with for months. "It was the first thing I could think of that would ensure your safe release to me. They will not bother you again as long as they believe you are my wife."

He sat back and looked in her eyes. When she saw the look in them, she realized there was more. "That is not the only reason. In the cave, before you stopped me, I had something I wanted to tell you. Will you allow it?"

Sherry was torn. She had a feeling she knew what it was, and it wasn't going to be any easier to hear now than it had been then. Her situation was no different, only the place had changed. She felt tears fill her eyes, but she took a deep breath and nodded. "Genesis, no matter what happens in the future, I love you. Even if things get hard, that won't change. I promise."

His eyes widened at her words. He had known that she loved him without them, her gift had said as much without spelling it out. Still, hearing them was sweeter than he could have anticipated. He pulled her close and tried to be gentle. "There is no hate, only joy, for you are beloved by the goddess. When I asked you to come with me, I had planned on asking you to spend your life with me. I would not have brought you here to abandon you. I may have made the claim to keep you safe, but I will make it true enough if you will let me."

When Sherry started sobbing, Genesis sat back with a frown and cupped her chin. He didn't get to ask what was wrong before she lifted her arm and pulled up the sleeve. She turned her wrist over and showed him the mark there that was once again as it had been when they first met. His heart froze in his chest as his eyes shot back up. "Again!?"

All she could do was nod. He gritted his teeth to keep from cursing. It was not a fate she had asked for. That much he was sure of. He pulled her close and spoke in her ear. "I have spent the last three months looking for a way to free you from this curse. I have no plans to stop now."

Sherry gasped when she heard how long she had been sleeping. More so, when she heard that he had been looking for a way to free her the whole time. She wiped her tears off and shook her head. "I don't know if you can. I know what my focus is this time, at least. It was easy to figure out."

He took her hand and sat next to her with a frown. "What have you been tasked with."

Sherry closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her task seemed simple on the surface until she thought about it. Her eyes were haunted when she looked at him. "I have to destroy Jenova."

He gave her a confused look. "That is all?"

She leaned her head on his shoulder and tried to hold her tears back again. She needed to explain why it seemed impossible to her. "Genesis, while there is any possibility that she could gain control of anyone with her cells in their body, I will never be able to destroy her. Not only could any of you probably kill me in less than a minute flat, but I also don't know that I could bring myself to fight you."

Genesis froze next to her and pulled her head up again. His eyes finally reflected the horror she felt. "She would use us against you?"

Sherry shrugged. "She would if her life were threatened."

Their conversation was interrupted at that point by Angeal's voice calling out. Genesis brushed her hair back. "We will figure this out together. Do not let it worry you. For now, regain your strength."

She smiled at his concern and let him lead her back into his kitchen. The meal was both awkward and silent. At least until she was finished eating. She had not eaten much, and Genesis was not pleased when she pushed the rest away. "You have not eaten in days. You need more than that."

She gave him an exasperated look. "Of course I do, but because I haven't eaten in days, I can't eat it all at once, or I'll just get sick. This is enough for now. I'll eat more as soon as I sleep." Her point was emphasized by an involuntary yawn.

Genesis still did not look happy, but Sephiroth spoke up as well. "She is correct. Given what was done, it would be best-"

Genesis cut him off with a glare, but Sherry stood and cut into the conversation before it could get going. "Where can I sleep?"

They all three gave her an odd look at her question. Genesis stood to help her since she was still a little unsteady. "Our bed, of course."

"Oh. Yeah." Sherry felt her cheeks heat a little as she smiled up at him. She hadn't forgotten that they had spent months in the same bed, but the new circumstances had her off balance. It was nice to know that some things were the same no matter what. She was still grinning at him as he led her from the room.

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