No Time To Waste

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Chapter 60

When Sherry woke, she turned into a familiar and warm chest. She snuggled into it with a sigh. If only Etro had allowed her to wake up this way the first time. She was scared to open her eyes, though. If this was an illusion, she didn't want it to go away. They popped open in shock a moment later when a hand brushed down her side gently, and Genesis' voice spoke next to her. "Are you feeling better?"

Sherry looked up at him and almost wanted to cry. She was really on Gaia. None of that had been a dream. She wasn't sure if she was happy or terrified, but when he brushed her hair back, she finally smiled. "Better now."

Genesis could see in her eyes that something still haunted her. He knew there was much they needed to talk about, but time was a luxury for them. He refused to allow her to succumb to her curse again. He was racing time and his goddess' will. He grimaced at that thought before he brushed his lips across her forehead. "If so, why don't we get you cleaned up."

Sherry didn't want to let him go, but she knew that now that they were on Gaia, wasting time was not an option. She put her head on his chest for just a moment before she answered. "Fine. I think I can handle it."

When they got up, Genesis insisted that she eat something before she got cleaned. Sherry wasn't inclined to argue. She still felt slightly hollow. Once she was able to eat a little, she felt worlds better. Genesis allowed her the space to get clean, but as she finished the first parts and then faced the shower, she realized she was tired of feeling alone. She shocked him when she walked into the living room in a towel.

His eyes raked over her. "I never heard the water."

She smirked. "Not yet. I was wondering if you would be willing to join me." She looked away for a moment and swallowed. She knew she was far from her best at the moment, and given the fact that they still had a lot to work through, she wasn't guaranteed that he would say yes. Still, she couldn't stay in limbo. She had enough of that already.

She was surprised when he lifted her chin gently and gave her a worried look. "Are you sure? You are still not recovered."

She wrapped her arms around his waist. "No, but I don't want to be alone. Not again. Please."

His eyes widened as he realized there was a bit of something more behind her words. He wondered again what she had seen while she slept, but he pulled her close and kissed her softly. She melted into him as she opened to him. It was only a matter of moments before he lost his worry that she would break. She was just as passionate now as she had ever been.

Neither of them heard the door open until they heard a male voice cry out in surprise, and the door slammed shut again. When they pulled apart, Sherry looked at Genesis with confusion. He smirked and shook his head. "I believe that was Angeal. That will serve as a reminder for him to knock going forward."

Sherry felt her cheeks heat, but she still laughed. She took a step back. "Are you coming?"

Genesis looked at the towel that had nearly fallen while they were embraced and flicked it the rest of the way off. She squealed at his action but smirked as his eyes raked over her. His response was to pick her up and head to the bathroom with her. Her laughter trailed after them as the door closed, capturing the steam in with them.


It was more than an hour later that they were both dressed, and Sherry was finishing another snack. She was leaning against the counter and looking down once again at her red skirt and heels. She shook her head before she smirked at her 'husband.'

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