Saying Goodbye

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Chapter 85

The void was dark, but it was warm and welcoming. It offered sanctuary and rest, a promise to end sorrows and soothe fears. And unlike the last time, Sherry could see it for what it was. It helped that she wasn't curled around herself, but around the warmth of her husband. She almost thought it might be an illusion, but when she looked up, his smirk was too familiar to be anything but real.

She reached up and brushed her thumb across his bottom lip. His lips parted slightly, and his eyes narrowed. She felt his arms tighten around her, and she grinned. They were really together. She wasn't alone this time. She grabbed him and kissed him hard enough to take both their breath away.

When she pulled back, he didn't allow her to go far. His voice was low when he spoke. "Do not start something you do not plan to finish love. Void or not, I feel perfectly capable of handling this."

Sherry laughed at his teasing. She felt lighter than she had in ages. Despite his protests, she unfurled and let her feet drop, so it was more like they were standing. He followed suit and looked around. He pulled her close and kissed the top of her head. "What is this place?"

She looked back and shrugged. "I was never given a straight answer. I was told it would be whatever I wanted it to be."

At her response, he pulled her closer again with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "If that is the case, there are a few things I have in mind."

Sherry chuckled again and shook her head. "Well, someone is in a mood, huh?"

Genesis dipped his head and brushed his lips against her ear as he whispered. "You should see the way you are glowing. It makes me want to see if the rest of you looks the same."

Her eyes widened, and she stepped back to get a better look at him before she looked down at herself. He was right, they both had a slight light emanating from their skin. "Huh." That was all she said before she looked back with a sad smile. "That is something we can explore at our leisure. Later. We have eternity, after all."

Genesis sighed at the look she was giving him before he pulled her into another embrace. "You are worried about them?"

She nodded against his chest. "Would you mind if we checked on them?"

Genesis froze. "We can?"

Sherry looked up and chuckled. "I told you what happened last time. I think I can do it myself now. If you feel like it."

Something flashed through Genesis' eyes that was painful and fearful, but he finally gave her a nod. "Show me."

She stepped back but kept his hand. "It's not hard, just concentrate. Remember, all time and space are open to us here."

It was only a matter of moments before the two of them were once again standing in the central room of the reactor. It was a disorienting experience since they were both staring up at themselves. Genesis pulled her close and smirked as he kissed the top of her head. "At least we make a stunning memorial."

Sherry smacked his arm as she pointed to the two men that had just stepped into the room. "Don't forget they are why we're here. Also, this is still just an image. We aren't technically here."

Genesis took a deep breath and nodded as he watched his two best friends look up in silence. It was several minutes later that Sephiroth took something from inside his duster and placed it at the base of the statue. When Sherry saw what it was, she started crying.

Genesis spoke up quietly beside her. "That is all of us." It was a charcoal sketch of their team lounging in the orchards in Banora.

She smiled up at him through her tears. "Yes, even Zack and Cloud. And look, he added Aerith and Tifa too. He isn't nearly as oblivious as people think he is."

Genesis brushed her tears off and nodded. "No, he is not."

It was several moments later that Sherry sighed and spoke again. "I know that they miss us, and I miss them too. There is so much that we could still help with, so it wouldn't surprise me if we get called back before too long."

Genesis looked down sharply. "You believe we will awaken within their lifetimes?"

She looked up and shrugged. "Maybe? Like I said, there is still a lot to do. Even so, they are enough to handle it without us, so I can't say for sure. It's just..."

When she trailed off, Genesis lifted her chin and raised a brow. She gave him a half-smile at the look. "I know this may sound selfish, but there is just one thing I want first, well I guess maybe two."

Genesis smirked. "If I know you, the things you wish for are things the average person would take for granted."

Sherry felt tears prickling once again and shrugged. "Maybe, but neither one of us has ever been normal."

He took a sharp breath before he kissed her forehead. "What are your two wishes?"

She looked back to her friends before she squeezed Genesis' hand. "If we do get sent back, I would like a little time first. You know, like at least enough for a proper honeymoon."

Genesis chuckled and pulled her close enough for a kiss. He let her go far enough so he could speak. "That is reasonable, and I already have an idea of where I could imagine us next. What else?"

Sherry's eyes got a far-away look. "If Minerva does send us back, whether it is this lifetime or another, I would like more than a few months with our friends. And before you say anything about making friends, you and I both know it would happen. You may be anti-social, but you aren't a complete loner. We would have people we care about. Even if it was just the fact that we would be curious enough to look up the children or grandchildren of those we loved."

Genesis swallowed thickly as his imagination took off down the same path hers was on. Both their eyes were on the silent men as they imagined them moving past the current troubles and finding joy in the aftermath. It would happen, and even if they weren't there to participate, they would see it. It was bittersweet, but they would be blessed to see all the ever afters. That was a different and unexpected kind of joy.

Finally, Genesis pulled on her hand. "They will make it. With or without us. Have faith, love. Besides, I know of a lovely little mountain valley that is both secluded and uninhabited. It makes no difference that we cannot interact with it, I can already see you laid out in the grass. Eternity or not, my patience is still a work in progress."

Sherry laughed as the scene in front of them faded. "At least you are willing to admit it."

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