Making Memories

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Chapter 75

Once that was settled, Sephiroth and Zack both headed out, and to the rooms they had been assigned. Angeal paused long enough to place a hand on Genesis' shoulder. "How are you holding up?"

Genesis didn't speak right away. Sherry had walked away to give them privacy, but his eyes were still on her figure as she sat down tiredly. The meeting with his parents had been hard for her, as they had wanted to know all about her. He knew it had to hurt, bringing up all those memories of people she would never see again. The thought left a pit in his stomach when he thought about his own parents and his motivation for wanting to speak with them in the first place. Despite what his wife thought, he had a good idea of what was in store for them both, and he wanted them to make the most of the time they had left.

He sighed and shook his head as he answered. "Probably as well as you are. Do not think I missed the circles under your eyes this morning. Did you sleep at all last night?"

Angeal chuckled dryly. "Not a wink. But I think we're better for it. At least now I know the truth, and, as hard as it was to hear it all, I think we were both able to let go of a lot of anger and guilt. It helps that someone told me that I'm only a monster if I let myself become one. When I passed that on, she actually cried. She told me to thank you."

Genesis felt one corner of his lips lift despite his mood, and he looked to his wife again. "Tell her I will pass her thanks on to the person responsible." He sighed again and gave Angeal a nod. "Try to get some rest tonight. I doubt we will be able to get much while we travel."

Angeal gave him a nod. "You too." He looked over at Sherry and caught her eye. "Don't let this guy keep you up too late. Dawn comes early, and I know Seph will be beating on your door if you aren't up."

She tried to grin at his teasing but knew it fell a little short. Still, the effort was enough, and he nodded again before he turned and left them alone. Once he was gone, Genesis pulled her from her seat and led her into the hall. She thought he was leading her to his room, but was shocked when he led her into a large open room with a chandelier. She raised a brow as she turned to him. "What is this?"

He matched her expression. "The ballroom. What did you think it was."

She gave him an exasperated look and flicked his arm before she looked around. It was a gorgeous room, and she had to admit that when he turned the overhead lights on, the way the crystal reflected off the walls was mesmerizing. She turned back to him with a curious smile. "I suppose the more relevant question would be, why are we here?"

He smiled softly down at her before he took one hand and put the other on her waist. She raised one brow as he paused as though he was thinking. It was a few seconds before he spoke. "What was that song Kaylan sang?"

Sherry's heart lurched at the memory he dredged up, but it was bittersweet. Despite the sheen of tears in her eyes, she smiled up at him as she started to sing. "I've never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight."

By the second line, Genesis had joined in and started to lead her in a slow waltz across the floor. Sherry remembered most of the words, but for the ones she missed, he was there with her. Between the two of them, they finished the song together. By the time they were done, Sherry wasn't sure if she wanted to laugh or cry. Instead, she buried her face in his chest and stood there for a moment.

When she pulled back, he wiped at the stray tear that made it passed her defenses before he pulled a remote from his pocket. She eyed it warily but closed her eyes when a soft waltz started playing. Angeal's warning to get to bed early was a distant thought as Genesis pulled her a little closer and began another dance.

Both were too lost in each other to notice they were being watched. They each knew their days on Gaia were numbered and were making as many memories as they could, without saying as much. Although, to Genesis' parents, it merely looked like two newlyweds who still could not get enough of each other's company. They had been drawn by the sound of voices and smiled when they saw the two of them singing to each other. There was no doubt that no matter how strange their tale, the dancing couple was very much in love. When the music started, his parents quietly closed the door and left them to enjoy the rest of the evening in peace.


The next morning came just as early as Angeal had warned. Sherry was still groaning as Genesis helped her pack the last of her things. She almost felt like cursing his enhancements. It wasn't fair that he looked perfect and perky while she felt like she needed a gallon of coffee before she could face the world. At least the worst he had done was chuckle at her grumbling before he offered to assist. Thank god he knew better than to tease her before she had caffeine.

When they made their way downstairs, Sherry was at least gratified to see that Aerith appeared much better than she had the day before. The girl was sitting on the far side of the table, chatting with Zack. They both looked disgustingly chipper. Sephiroth was sitting quietly near the door. He nodded when they came in and addressed Genesis. "Angeal messaged me earlier. He will meet us on the way out of town."

Genesis nodded in acknowledgment before he guided Sherry to sit next to his parents. To her shock, they both smiled as she sat. She tentatively returned the gesture. "Good morning."

His mother gestured Moira over. "What would you like for breakfast?"

Sherry wasn't used to the formal setting, but she managed to smile up at the girl. "To start with, I just need coffee, please. After that, I'm not picky. I'll take whatever is easiest or whatever everyone is having."

She heard Genesis huff a quiet laugh beside her and shot him a glare. He grinned at her before he turned to the girl. "Moira, would you please bring us both poached eggs and toast. Double mine, and please make sure Sherry's are done easy." The maid gave him a curtsy and hurried off to give his order to the chef.

The rest of the breakfast went quickly and amicably. Despite the newfound truce in the Rhapsodos family, they still did not have time to waste. It was a short time later they stood to leave. Genesis gave his mother a hug, much to everyone's surprise. She had a hard time holding in tears as she began to wonder if there was more to his actions, especially when his wife gave him a pained smile at the act. She was not given a chance to ask as her husband stepped forward to shake their son's hand.

"I must say, none of this went the way I expected. I will also say I never expected you to find a woman like the one by your side. I have only seen a few interactions between you, but the ones I have seen are enough for me to know what you mean to each other. No matter station, wealth, or I suppose planet, in this case, I'm just glad you found happiness."

Genesis gave him a curt nod. Nothing else was said, not that it was needed. Long goodbyes would only make it harder. Both Zack and Aerith also thanked them for their hospitality before they joined Sephiroth, and they all followed Genesis out.

They did not get to make it to the front door before a girl's scream rang out. None of them hesitated before they ran to investigate. When they reached the foyer, they were greeted by the sight of Moira cowering in the corner and a scowling Angeal trying to assure her he was fine while he had at least four guns pointed at him. There were no less than eight people in dark suits that turned to look at the newcomers with glares both inside and outside the room.

Genesis and Sephiroth had been in front, but Sherry pushed around her husband to face the man that was in front of the others. His scowl deepened when his gaze fell on her and only got worse when she spoke. "Hello Veld, I would say it's nice to meet you finally, but given this situation, those words don't really fit now, do they?"

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