Unexpected Company

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Chapter 30

When Sherry went back into the house, she noticed the other three men were in the kitchen talking. They all looked up when they heard the door. She didn't give them a chance to speak, though. "I apologize, but I really need to get to work. If there is anything you need, please let me know. Otherwise, I'll be back out later."

Genesis looked like he had something to say, but Caius spoke before he could bring it up. "That is fine. I understand your need to get your business in order before you finish with us. As much as I know I am needed in Paddra, I know the Goddess would not put me into a predicament I cannot return from."

Sherry stared for a few moments. She wasn't sure what to think of his statement, but at least she knew it meant that she had one of the guys that would be willing to wait if necessary. It didn't hurt that he knew what she was facing. "Thanks. I'll be in my office if you need me." She didn't wait for any further response before she headed back to work.

The first thing she did was call the lawyer's office. If she was going to be headed to the East Coast soon, then she needed to have everything ready. The sooner, the better. If she had the chance to leave early, she might. It would depend on how things were set up.

Her second call was to her bank. Mr. Latham would be able to get the paperwork for her house, and most of her assets drawn up, but her accounts needed to be modified at the bank. The branch manager was someone she had known for years, so it took some evasive maneuvers to keep from answering too many questions on why she was changing everything, but she hung up with a promise from the woman that she would have everything ready by the next morning. After that, it would just be a matter of getting both Daniel and the paperwork to a notary.

Once that was all started, she finally turned on her PC. She had a laptop as well that she would use occasionally, but when she was at home, her desktop was her go-to. As frustrating as the editing process was, it didn't take her long to get lost in her work.

She had completely lost track of time while she worked. She hadn't even stopped to eat and didn't realize it until a knock sounded at her door. It made her jump as she lost focus. She rubbed her eyes to get a little moisture into them as she called out for whoever it was to enter. When she lowered her hands, she was shocked to see Genesis standing in the doorway with a plate and a steaming cup.

Her surprise must have shown on her face since he smirked and handed everything over. "There is no hate, only joy, for you are beloved by the Goddess. When you never came out for a meal, we assumed you were quite busy. I volunteered to bring you something."

Sherry gave him a smile and sniffed the cup. Her eyebrows rose at the smell of coffee. She took a quick peek at the time on her screen and was surprised to see it was already after 15:00. She turned to him with a chagrined look. "Thank you, even if it is a little late in the afternoon for coffee."

He only raised a brow at her quip before he nodded toward her screen. "If your previous behavior is any indication, I felt you could probably use it. Something tells me we won't be seeing you for the rest of the day."

Sherry huffed a half-laugh. "You're probably right. If I plan on getting this finished, then I don't have time for luxuries like sleep."

Sherry could feel how much he wanted to roll his eyes at her as he shook his head. "You remind me of someone else I know, with your dedication to putting yourself in an early grave."

Sherry almost choked on a laugh as she had her mouth full. She managed to swallow so she could speak. "I thought you figured out already that I play as hard as I work. It's the only way to stay sane."

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