A New Ally or Potential Foe?

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Chapter 76

Genesis growled at the look Veld gave Sherry before he pulled her back behind him. He didn't take his eyes off the Turks as he spoke to her. "Love, let me tell you from experience, your ability to recognize someone without knowing them is quite unsettling."

Sherry huffed. "That wasn't my intention with you, but I don't exactly like having guns pointed at my friends. If Mr. Director is a little unsettled, then that's what he gets."

She heard Reno laughing somewhere behind the Turk director, but whatever smart remark he had was cut off when Veld finally spoke. "I have heard enough. There are many things we need to speak about and not a lot of time. Either you agree to speak with us willingly, or I give the order to start shooting. By this point, I don't really care who gets hit."

Sephiroth frowned as he stepped forward. "Director, you have always impressed me as a logical man. I would hope we could talk through this without threats. From what I have heard, we do have some common ground."

Veld tilted his head to the side and lifted a brow as he pinned Sherry with another glare where she had come back around Genesis. His eyes never left hers when he answered the General. "As long as you don't resist."

Genesis' jaw clenched, but he pulled Sherry closer to his side and nodded. "We can use the drawing-room."

By that time, his parents had come to investigate the uproar. When they all turned, Genesis sighed at the sight of them. "Mother, Father, I apologize for the trouble, but it seems as though we will not be leaving right away. I will take my guests to the drawing-room. Please do not feel the need to entertain." He knew they were smart enough to understand what he hadn't said.

His father was scowling, but he nodded. "Of course. Please let me know before you leave." His mother had already motioned for Moira to join them, and the three of them quickly left the room.

Once they were gone, Genesis eyed the large group that was still partially standing outside. He glared at Veld. "My home may be large, but not all of your men will fit in the drawing-room with us. You have my word that we will not attack."

Veld didn't answer right away. He finally turned to Reno. "Search the house and grounds. Once you are finished, take up positions outside. Don't bother anyone unless they resist."

Genesis growled again, but Sephiroth held up a hand to stop him. This was expected. By the time the Turks turned back, Genesis had himself at least under control enough not to roast Reno when he had passed them with a smirk. It helped that Sherry grabbed his arm as Rude and another Turk followed the redhead up the stairs.

The rest of the Turks besides Veld and Tseng disbursed outside. Once they were all gone, Genesis turned on his heel and led the rest of them back the way they had just come. He didn't bother making sure any of the others were comfortable before he turned to Veld with a glare. "I understand that you may be unhappy with what you have learned, and I will abide by a temporary truce, but if you threaten my wife again, I cannot say that I will not respond accordingly."

Veld's brow drew down for a moment, and he tilted his head. His eyes flicked between the two of them and down to where Sherry had a firm grip on Genesis' arm, both to reassure and to restrain him. When he looked back up, he gave the Commander an evaluating look. "She really is your wife, then?"

Genesis didn't bother hiding his rolling his eyes. "Yes. She has saved me in more ways than one. Our love is no farce." He glared over at Tseng before he looked back at Veld. "Surely, that is not why you have chased us halfway around the world."

Veld sat back with a sigh before he finally turned and pinned Sherry with his piercing gaze. "Are Vincent and Felicia alive?"

Sherry nodded with a sigh. "Yes. I wish it were under better circumstances. Honestly, you should be working with these men, not against them. You have all been screwed over by the science department and current president."

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