Talk With Genesis

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Chapter 41

After Daniel's visit, the rest of the trip changed slightly. Sherry was more somber but wasn't as depressed as she had been after his first visit. It helped that the men could all tell something was bothering her and tried to keep her distracted. She appreciated their efforts too. Not that she didn't have plenty to think about, but every time she started to feel weighed down by her worries, one of the men would divert her.

When they finally finished the last stop, Sherry let them know that it would take them two days to get back. They not only had to travel back West but also back South. At least it had been planned for, and they had a set of rooms waiting for them in Ohio.

Even with the extra stop, it was late on the second day when they pulled into the driveway. Sherry was so happy at the prospect of sleeping in her own bed again that she almost forgot to grab her bag. Thankfully, Genesis had it in hand with his. When she tried to take it from him, he held it back and lifted a brow. "Do not deny me the opportunity to prove that I am a gentleman."

She chuckled at his antics but was too tired to argue. She gave him a smile. "Thanks." Despite the need to unpack, it was not long at all until at least Sherry was between her sheets and dead to the world.


The next morning, Sherry groaned when she sat up and saw there was no light around her curtains. Either it was stormy, or it was far too early to be up. As she reached over to check her phone, she groaned again when she confirmed it was the latter. She still forced herself out of bed. She knew that trying to avoid what needed to happen wouldn't help her.

Now that they were back, she had something important to face. There were no more edits for her to handle, no more things to get put into place, and no more planning. Now, it was just doing. She swallowed and took several deep breaths before she opened the door. She would not cry now.

She wasn't surprised at all to see all three men with cups of coffee when she entered the living room. She wasn't the only one wearing a somber look. She sighed and looked around at them all with a sad smile before she spoke. "I guess we all know what's coming. At least let me get some coffee, and then you and I can go talk, Genesis."

Genesis gave her a nod since this was expected. He paused and turned to Sephiroth. "Will you be involved?"

Both Sephiroth and Sherry gave him shocked looks. They had not expected him to be the one to ask. Sephiroth recovered first. "It would be sensible if I were to be. As a matter of fact, unless you are uncomfortable with the idea, I see no reason why we would need to isolate ourselves. Caius is the only one not involved, but I do not think it would matter if he hears."

Sherry didn't say anything. This was a choice that would be between the men. Caius stood. "I can leave and practice."

Genesis stopped him and frowned. "While I do not enjoy the idea of sharing my darkest secrets with anyone, the four of us have already had the opportunity to get closer to each other than most. You only need to leave if it is for your own comfort."

Sherry had a hard time believing this was the same man that complained about paper plates when he first arrived. She smiled as she realized that being around others that held similar interests without the need to continually prove his worth was having a positive effect on the man. She just hoped it stayed that way after their talk.

Caius looked between them all for several moments. Despite the invitation, he finally shook his head. "I may not know the details, but I know this will not be pleasant. If you still feel like sharing later, we can. For now, I will allow you to have some privacy."

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