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Chapter 43

The next few days were slightly awkward. Especially for Sherry. Part of it was the fact that she kept wondering why Sephiroth was still there. Not that she wanted him to leave, really, but it did make her nervous about fulfilling her focus. The other part of her problem was Genesis. At least that part died down after she realized he meant what he said. He hadn't started treating her any differently, so hopefully, they could manage the incident like adults.

With that thought in mind, Sherry turned to Genesis as they were finishing breakfast. "Would you mind taking a walk with me?"

Caius spoke up from the other side of the room. "Do not forget that you have agreed for us to teach you armed combat."

Sherry nodded. It was decided that until they could figure out what was going on, they would use the time to train her. Not that she felt it would do much good, but it gave them all something to focus on, which was a necessary thing with what was going on. Plus, if her editor had more for her to look at, he hadn't sent it yet. That might be a good thing, as it was due to be published in December. That didn't give them much time to get ready for print.

Once Caius was sure she would meet him, he shooed her off with the admonition not to take long. She was just glad he offered to clean up so she could get done faster. Hopefully, this would be a quick conversation.

Once they were on the trail, Sherry turned to see Genesis watching her. She wasn't even given a chance to speak before he smirked at her. "Does this mean you have reconsidered?"

Sherry stopped in her tracks and gave him a shocked look. It took her a moment to clear her head and shake it. "Not at all. Actually, I was going to tell you that I understand you were under a lot of stress the other day. I was only trying to comfort you, but I can see how my actions could be misconstrued, and I wanted to apologize. I don't want it to be weird between us while you're still here."

He was frowning slightly, but he shocked her when he stepped forward and took her face in both hands. She almost stepped back until he spoke. "I am positive you do not comfort all your friends with such an intimate touch. I will agree that my thinking was clouded, and the timing was abysmal, but that does not change my stance."

Sherry could feel her heart trying to beat out of her chest. This was not going the way she expected it to. She put her hands over his and pulled them down. Thankfully, he didn't stop her, but he didn't let her go either. She shook her head. "Look, this isn't about what I want. It is my job to figure out how to get you home so you can change your future. Even if I wanted it, I could never be part of that. When you leave, that's it for me. I don't get to go somewhere too."

He searched her face for several seconds before he pulled her into a light embrace. "I will not push you, just remember that some things are worth having, if only for a moment. It is better than a lifetime of regret."

She let him hold her for a few moments longer before she pushed back. "Thank you for understanding."

At his nod, she turned to start walking again. When he realized she was still headed away from the house, he gave her a curious look. "Was there more?"

"Yes." She looked over at him once more. "I wanted to ask you if you believe me? Was there anything I said that you need to have clarified?"

He frowned at the change in conversation. His voice showed his irritation. "No. I understand well enough. I have no doubt that you have told me what you know. I am still trying to sort through everything and figure out what I will need to do when I return."

At his last sentence, Sherry breathed a sigh of relief. That could be all it was. If he were still planning, then she would just wait. Her mark hadn't changed, so they still had some time. Hopefully, he wouldn't take too long. She gave him a bright smile. "That's great. Just let me know if you do have any questions. I'll do whatever I can to help."

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