Yes, That's Pizza

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Chapter 12

Sherry shook her depressing thoughts off before she spoke up. "Well, since none of you really know what you like, I'll get a variety. With the six of you, I'm sure we will need at least eight pizzas anyway. That should give everyone a better idea. I will say now that most of the time, I prefer to cook. Once I go shopping, the options will be better."

She didn't wait for any responses before she went and grabbed her laptop. She set it on the counter and logged in to order online. She shook her head at both Genesis and Zack looking over her shoulder. She completely ignored Zack's question about her wallpaper, as it was another picture of Genesis. She was going to have to change all of those soon if they ended up staying longer than a few days. She didn't want to deal with the questions.

Zack didn't ask more than once, but he did give her a questioning glance as she pointedly ignored Genesis when the man gave her a smirk. She turned to the rest of them. "They should be here in about 45 minutes. If you don't mind, I would like to take the chance to take a real shower. I feel gross. We can talk more over dinner if you want."

She received several questioning looks, but no one objected, so she went straight to her bedroom. She felt odd as she got into the shower, knowing that there were six strange men in the next room. It motivated her to finish her shower in record time, but she felt so much better when she was done. She no longer felt like she was covered in a layer of grime. It brought her mood up as well. She also went ahead and removed her contacts before she headed back out. After the events of the previous day and the crying she had done, they had started to irritate her eyes. She grabbed her spare glasses and got dressed. She was smiling when she walked back out with her hair still up in a towel.

Several of the men had been talking quietly, but that all stopped when she walked into the room. It made a shiver go up her spine when they were all looking straight at her. Her voice was nervous when she broke the silence. "Okay, well, I'm sure dinner will be here soon."

She quickly moved to the kitchen to start getting out the plates and utensils they would need. She nearly jumped when Genesis joined her. "I was not expecting glasses. Why were you not wearing them before?"

She gave him a confused look and then shrugged. "I was wearing contacts. You know, little lenses that you put directly on your eyeball."

She heard Zack express his disgust at the idea and laughed. Her attention was drawn back to Genesis when he spoke again. "With what I have observed so far, I felt that the technologies of this world and of ours were on par with each other. However, I have never heard of lenses you can put in your eye to replace glasses. Does it not hurt?"

She gave him a contemplative look as she put the plates on the table. "No, they are washed in a solution that is very close to human tears. It allows them to be placed with no problems. Also, there are many things Gaia has that Earth doesn't, like your VR technology, but there are many things we have that you don't, like commercial airplanes instead of airships. I believe it was just a matter of which technologies had the most interest and funding in our respective worlds."

Noel, who had been quietly watching Caius up to that point, finally spoke up. "I have never seen anything like them either. By my time on Pulse, humans were mostly scattered and nomadic. When I met Sarah, I was introduced to a lot of new things. I haven't really had a chance to take them in. This will all be new to me. This world reminds me of the communities set up on Pulse right after Cocoon started to fall."

Sherry gave him a smile. "I am pretty sure the stuff they had on Cocoon was still far more advanced than what we have here, especially as the Fal'cie provided most of it. Even so, if you have questions about anything, don't hesitate to ask. I'll be happy to answer if I can."

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