What's in a Song

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Chapter 6

Genesis watched the exchange with interest and then smirked when he realized why their hostess had returned. He didn't really blame them, as the gathered men all gave off auras of power. He only knew a few of them, but there was obviously some kind of connection. His mind had been going nonstop trying to figure it out since the point he watched her be wrapped in mako. He had never seen anything like it before, and it raised his curiosity to new levels. It especially intrigued him that the woman didn't seem to be afraid of them, not even Sephiroth, and that was more than unusual. She had hardly given the Silver General more than a few cursory glances, no more than any of the rest of them. If anything, she had looked to the purple-haired man more than any of them. Although he doubted that meant she was afraid of him either. She was a genuine conundrum.

She had only been gone a few minutes when Genesis stood to follow her. He ignored Sephiroth warningly calling out his name, but he stopped when the Puppy blocked his path. He glowered at the younger man. He hadn't failed to notice Angeal's apprentice was wearing the uniform of a First and the Buster Sword, but that was the least of his worries for the moment. His tone was sharp when he spoke. "I am unsure why you seem to have a problem with me, Puppy, but I will not hesitate to move you."

Zack's usually smiling face was drawn into a frown. "I guess if what the woman said is true, then I can understand why you might not get it, but there is no reason for you to go down that path right now." He crossed his arms and dared Genesis to disagree.

"I wish to speak to our hostess. I have no ulterior motives. Despite what you may think of me, I do have honor. Angeal would never forgive me if I didn't keep it."

At the mention of Angeal, Zack looked like he wanted to hit Genesis again, but Cloud called out to him. "Zack, it'll be okay. She did ask us not to fight, right? Something tells me if she has a problem with him following her, she can handle it. She... reminds me of someone, and I know they wouldn't put up with anything they didn't want to."

Zack didn't look mollified, but he stood down. Before Genesis walked off, Zack grabbed his arm. "I'll be listening. If she tells you to go, and you don't, then I'll make sure to take care of it."

Genesis smirked at him again but didn't answer as he made his way toward the sound of water. He hadn't gone far before the sound of music started. He paused and listened. It was a song that he was unfamiliar with, but it had a soothing melody. He quietly continued down until he reached the edge of the trees. The moon had finally started to come out, and it was nearly full. The light of the clear night was reflected back off the water, and it made the area around the river bright enough for an unenhanced person to see well. For him, he was able to see their hostess clearly where she was already in the water. She dipped her head under and was gone for several seconds before she reappeared halfway across the river.

He didn't move for several minutes. Instead, he stood and watched her as she started to softly sing along with the music. He could tell that she was untrained, but her voice was bright and pretty. She dipped her head back again and ran her fingers through her hair several times before she seemed to relax into the water. She floated for several moments, only occasionally moving her arms and legs to keep from being washed down the river.

Her voice continued to softly fill the air. When the song changed, it became a harsher beat, much more dramatic. His gaze was drawn to a small device that looked similar to a PHS when the voices accompanying the music started. It was a language he had never heard before, but the woman still sang along. He could see a slight smile on her face until two things happened at once. He heard something completely unexpected, and she stood with widened eyes. The sound of his friend's name coming from her device distracted him for a moment, but he didn't hesitate to go and pick it up.

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