Eternal Slumber

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Chapter 84

It was a quiet trip up the mountain that was barely disturbed by the occasional monster attack. The Soldiers had everything dealt with before it got close to the others, so there was little to worry about. Not that there were many of them. It seemed even the beasts felt the pall surrounding the group and kept their distance.

Before they took the last turn into the clearing around the reactor, Sephiroth took the lead with Genesis and Angeal. He felt it was better to be safe. A fact that turned out to be for the best when the group followed the trio into a scene from a nightmare. The man-made valley seemed to be filled with gleaming bodies that all turned to them with malice as soon as they entered. The Soldiers immediately took up arms and called out orders to get the teens back.

Veld and Tseng corralled the two girls and Cloud and tried to grab Sherry as well. She glared at them before she called on Phoenix and was out of their grasp before they could do much about it. Neither man had seen that particular stunt before but pushed aside their awe. Now wasn't the time.

Sherry managed to blast a wide enough hole in the front lines with Genesis' help that she was able to land and rush to their side before they were swarmed again. Despite the incoming monsters, she was close enough that they could hear her yelling over the din.

"These things, they were once men. Hojo has had them steeping in mako in the reactor for god knows how long. From the looks of it, the mako must have had Jenova cells too. She has to be using them to protect herself. We need to make a path for Genesis and me to get inside. If we can take her out, then they should become dormant, or at least mindless. You can then- you can put them out of their misery." She hadn't missed the way all three men tensed at her words, but they needed to know what they were facing.

Thankfully, they were all seasoned warriors, and Sephiroth nodded without looking back. "We will clear a path."

He did glance back at that point, and his expression was torn. He still nodded before he turned back. Angeal grabbed Genesis as they rushed passed. They two friends shared an emotional look before they parted, and Genesis threw an explosive blast that threw several monsters off their feet and allowed him to drag Sherry closer to the reactor. Sephiroth and Angeal both closed ranks behind them and tried to garner the attention of as many of the things as they could. Between Sherry and Genesis, it was not difficult to blast their way through the ranks as they ran to the towering structure.

Once they were inside, the noise dimmed to a distance buzz as Genesis led her unerringly toward the center. Even though he did not know what they were looking for, he was familiar with the layout of a typical reactor and knew where to go when she told him to find the middle.

It was not long at all before they found themselves in a room full of empty pods. Genesis looked around with a noise of disgust. "This was where they were from?"

Sherry nodded and pointed upward. "Yes, and she is behind that door. It may not be easy to get through."

Genesis glared at her before he held out his left arm and let his eidolith come out. He crushed it in his hand, and as soon as Alexander was next to them, he pointed to the door. The eidolon roared before he made short work of the metal barrier and part of the wall around it.

Sherry smirked up at him. "You never do anything by halves, do you, love."

He returned her smirk with one of his own, but it faded quickly. "Let us finish this."

She nodded and followed him into the room. They both looked up at the angelic-looking structure with disgust. Despite their desire to complete their focus, they both hesitated. They knew once they were done, that would be it. It was bittersweet. Especially as they had not been allowed to say a proper goodbye. Still, it had to be done, and those same friends were depending on them to complete this task so they would not be overrun.

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