Tie the Knot

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Chapter 66

It took them some time, but Sherry and Genesis finally found Angeal and Sephiroth apparently enduring a talking-to from an irate Turk. Sherry tensed at the fact that there was only one, but Genesis leaned over and kissed her temple. It was a reminder that they had taken it slow on purpose. They made it seem as though the two of them had slipped away to have time alone, just in case this happened.

When they drew even with the others, Sherry gave them an apologetic smile. "Sorry if we caused any issues, Genesis was showing me around a little."

Angeal returned the smile. "It's no trouble. I know that the two of you haven't had much time to enjoy being married. Take your time while you can."

Sherry knew it was a common enough piece of advice for the families of any person in the armed forces, but it still sent a chill over her. For her, time was a slowly creeping, mind-numbing, and faceless monster she couldn't fight. She managed to shake off those thoughts as she overheard Sephiroth tell the Turk they were headed back now that Genesis and Sherry had rejoined them. The Turk still looked pissed, but nothing else was said as they headed back to headquarters.

Their group was even more silent on the way back then they had been on the way there. Sherry was still trying to figure out what their next steps should be as she tried to ignore her throbbing feet. She really hoped Genesis had thought to get more than heels, no matter his preference.

When they got back, Sephiroth led them to his office. Once they were inside, he motioned to the chairs and sat before he pinned Genesis with a glare. "What happened?"

Genesis sat with a huff. "The Cetra has agreed to help. With her aide, we might be able to find a way to protect ourselves from being influenced. However, we must find a way out of the city soon. We need to plan our next destination, post-haste."

Sherry grimaced at Genesis. "Her name is Aerith, not Cetra. Don't forget that she is a person too."

Genesis frowned at her reprimand but wasn't allowed to speak. Sephiroth was glowering at both of them. "What do you mean, our next destination? Why would we leave Midgar?"

Sherry shook her head with a sigh. "Because it won't be safe here for long. I doubt that our actions will not raise questions. With the president fully aware and backing Hojo's actions, none of us will be exempt from the consequences if any of them begin to believe you might be aware of the truth. We are all walking a fine line right now. The only reason I shared with Tseng was the fact that he cares for Aerith. If he knew what Hojo had planned for her, I doubt he would hesitate to shoot the man himself. Plus, once Veld finds out the truth, he'll have his own reasons to want Hojo dead."

Sephiroth looked flabbergasted, but it was Angeal that spoke up. "How do you know what he has planned if none of us do?"

Genesis scowled at his friend's question, but Sherry shook her head. "We told you where I am from, but there was a reason for the whole thing. I know this is probably more than what you can accept, but I know how things will play out if we don't change things." She paused when Genesis growled. She gave him a haunted look but still turned back to face Sephiroth.

"I know you have no reason to believe me, and I cannot tell you everything, but trust me when I say that if we stay, or if nothing changes, the consequences will be hellish. I personally cannot stand by and do nothing while I am here to help." Her voice choked as she tried to continue. She had to clear her throat before she could continue. "I refuse to allow things to go on as fate had planned. I care too much."

Sephiroth frowned at her reminder that she knew another version of himself. What bothered him most was the look she was giving him. Her eyes held a terror she was barely concealing. He knew most of it was probably for Genesis, but not all of it was. Despite the ludicrous nature of their claims, her actions did not look fake.

He watched her eyes for several moments longer before he sat back with a sigh. "I don't know what to believe, but we will not get anywhere else tonight. I can see you are still suffering from your stay with the Turks. Rest, and we will reconvene tomorrow."

Genesis glared at the reminder while Sherry turned away and wiped the tears from her eyes. She looked back when Genesis stood. He was still frowning, but his voice was not angry when he spoke. "We will be back first thing in the morning. Please take time to think about the consequences to all of us if we do not act." Sephiroth nodded before Genesis turned and led Sherry out with a nod to Angeal as well.

Once they were in the hall, Sherry was stopped from turning toward the apartments by Genesis' hand on her arm. She gave him a curious look that he smiled at. Her curiosity was only piqued further when he spoke. "Before we retire, there is one thing I believe we should do."

She cocked a brow at him. "And what would that be?"

He took her hand in both of his. "If you are in agreement, I would like to file the paperwork to make our union official. No matter what happens, no matter the amount of time we have, I want to have you by my side."

Sherry felt tears well up and had to blink a few times to keep them from falling. It was several moments before she was able to speak. "Are you sure? You know my fate."

His jaw clenched, and he pulled her into an embrace. "I have not given up on the idea that I can prevent this. I know that Minerva has taken an active interest in stopping the disaster. I refuse to believe there is nothing we can do."

He then kissed her forehead, and his voice lowered again. "All that said, even if I cannot, I would rather hold what we have closely until I cannot."

Sherry buried her face in his chest for a few moments. She had to fight to get herself under control. There were so many conflicting emotions running through her. She was thrilled that Genesis really wanted to marry her. She knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she loved him, and the idea of being his wife was enough to make her feel like floating, but she was also frightened. Not of marrying him, but of what her eventual departure would do to him if they were tied together. Despite his reassurances, she had more than a little doubt that her destiny was not to live a normal life.

When he tilted her chin up and brushed his lips across hers, the tears finally fell. He wiped them away. "Do not make your decision based on an uncertain future. I love you and am selfish enough to want every minute of your time while I have the chance."

She chuckled at his admission. Despite how torn she felt, she nodded. "Yes. I still don't know that this is a good decision, but I love you too. I don't want to let go."

He pulled her into a kiss at her answer. He brushed her cheek with the back of his knuckles when he pulled back and gave her a smile. "This won't take long."

She shook her head as she allowed him to lead her back to the elevator. He ended up taking her down several floors and into a room with a bored-looking woman. She flashed a bright smile when she saw Genesis was the one that entered. Sherry almost laughed at how quickly the smile disappeared when Genesis explained why they were there.

Despite the woman's attitude, it really did not take long. It was much more straightforward than Sherry had expected, compared to what she was used to. It wasn't even a problem that she didn't have any identification. All Genesis had to do was tell a concocted story about them being married while he was afield and then give her maiden name. It was an almost surreal feeling when Sherry signed the paper, and they were given a copy to prove their wedded status.

Once they had it in hand, Genesis ignored the dirty looks they were being given and pulled Sherry into a heated kiss. She felt dazed when he finally pulled back, but couldn't stop a grin when he spoke. "Why don't we retire for the night, Mrs. Rhapsodos."

Her eyes flashed as she nodded. "That sounds like a great idea, Mr. Rhapsodos." Genesis' smirk turned to something that had heat spreading through Sherry as he intertwined their fingers and led her back upstairs. Neither of them even noticed the huff of the woman behind the desk as they walked out.

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