Best Friend

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Chapter 48

Sherry hadn't made it all the way back before she was shocked by the sight of Caius leaning against a tree nearby and frowning into the distance. She changed course to see what was going on. "Hey, are you alright?"

He turned to look at her as he quickly erased the frown. He gave her a nod, but he paused before he spoke. "Would you speak with me for a moment before we return?"

She smiled and gestured back to the well-worn path. "Of course."

He didn't speak until they were some distance from the house. When he did finally say something, Sherry was shocked by how blunt he was. "Have you decided to take Genesis as your mate?"

She floundered for a minute as she tried to process his question. "That isn't exactly what I would call it." She was blushing brightly as she shook her head. "I mean, yes, we did- I mean, we are together, I suppose, but mates sounds a lot more serious than what I would call it."

He stopped and frowned at her. He looked in her eyes for several moments, and his voice dropped. "You do not care for him? This is only a physical attraction? Why do you allow such a thing?"

She held up both hands and made a negating gesture. "Look, I'm not sure how things are where you are from, but after Dalton, I gave up on trying to find anyone else. Ever. I figured that my picker was broken and decided it just wasn't worth the hurt." She wrapped her arms around herself and looked away before she continued. "I wasn't planning on starting anything with Genesis either, but I don't know how much longer I have. I just wanted a little happiness before I have to sleep forever. Is that such a bad thing?"

She was shocked when she felt his hands cover her own on her arms. She looked up sharply to see him right in front of her. He was frowning, but she didn't get the sense that it was out of censorship. Her thoughts were confirmed in the worst way when he spoke. "And you decided to jump at the first person that offered you a taste of pleasure?"

Her eyes widened, and she didn't give him a chance to say anything more. She stepped back. "Caius, please, don't. Don't do this. Not now. You're the one person that understands exactly what I have to face. What I'm going through. You know how I feel, and I can talk to you about all of this. I don't know if I could take it if I couldn't talk to you."

His face cleared, and he followed her the one step. "I do understand. L'cie are not forbidden to love. That does not make it an easy option. Most that choose that path often become c'eith. Either because they lose focus or because they abandon their focus altogether. That does not mean it is impossible. Of the ones that have been able to successfully navigate both, most couples are both l'cie."

Sherry shook her head. Even after he put his hands on her shoulders. She didn't back away again, but she didn't say anything. Finally, Caius sighed and pulled her into a loose embrace. "Forgive me if I have made you uncomfortable. I will continue to be here to talk with you as long as I remain on this planet. It has been as much a boon for me as it has for you, and I would not want to lose that either."

Sherry returned his hug with a tentative one of her own. When she pulled back, she gave him a small smile. "I would like to think you are the closest thing I have to a best friend. After Kaylan, of course."

He chuckled and nodded. "I suppose that is accurate enough."

She relaxed a little at his smile, even if her heart was still breaking. She hadn't realized how much his regard had meant to her until she came so close to losing it. She was still struggling with the fact that she might actually care for the guardian more than she thought she did, but it was a moot point. She had already made her decision, and she would not change her mind. Not that she wanted to. Even if she did care for Caius, she knew she cared for Genesis more.

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