Sleeping Arrangements

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Chapter 13

They all watched her leave before turning to each other with wary looks. Zack was still trying to understand what part the woman had to play in the whole ordeal. She didn't seem to be a bad person, and even though it tore him up to think of how Sephiroth changed, he couldn't understand how anyone could know what he did and still feel sorry for him. It wasn't that he didn't want his friend back, but he couldn't see past the terrible things that had been done. He was pulled out of his contemplation when Cloud stood and looked at them all. "I am going to clean this up. If everyone is finished, it's the least I can do."

Sephiroth stood with a nod. He still had not stopped giving Cloud a contemplative look, but he didn't say anything as he moved back into the living room. Zack jumped up as well and gave Cloud a grin. "That's a great idea! I'll help."

The two of them started putting the few remaining pieces into a single box and gathered up the plates to take to the sink. It took them a few minutes to find the soap, but once they did, Cloud started washing and rinsing them while Zack dried them and put them away. He fell behind at first since he had to hunt for the spots to put them, but once he figured that out, it didn't take them long to finish.

Once they were done, Cloud moved to stand near the door and simply watched Sephiroth. If the man noted it, he ignored it as he tried to talk to Genesis. Zack noticed them talking as well, but he didn't butt in. He could see it was difficult for the General to speak to a man that he felt had betrayed everything they ever stood for. He couldn't stop the comparison to how he felt about Sephiroth, and it made him question things even more. To keep himself busy and not letting his brain run in circles, he started doing squats. The sight made all the others except Noel, roll their eyes before they went back to what they were doing. As for Noel, he was still sitting at the table and watching the door. His own head was filled with what-ifs.


When Sherry first walked outside, she panicked slightly. Caius was not near the door. She scanned the yard and finally spotted him near the woodline. He blended into the darkness so well that she might not have noticed him if they had been anywhere except her own yard. She didn't try to hide the sounds she made as she approached. She wanted to make sure he had the chance to tell her to leave if he wanted to. When she reached his side, she didn't look up at him. Instead, she spoke in a quiet voice. "I want to apologize for the way I just blurted that out. I hadn't thought about how it might make you feel. I should have been a little gentler."

Neither of them moved or said anything else for several moments. Finally, Caius sighed and turned his head to look down at her. "I am beginning to realize this will be an ordeal for all of us. I have noticed the wariness and pain in several of the others. It lends credence to what you have told us so far. I do not want to think of the fall of my nation, but I will not ignore your words."

She gave him a sad look. "I wish there was a way to change things without causing you so much pain. I meant it when I said I don't feel like you deserve this."

He only nodded before he looked back up to where he had been watching the moon shining through the branches of the trees. It was a haunting sight that gave Sherry chills when she followed his line-of-sight. The silence stretched again until Sherry felt she couldn't handle it. She was glad he hadn't asked her to leave, but she was floundering on how to continue with him still closed off, despite his acceptance of her apology. She finally spoke up again. "Do you... do you want to talk about the rest now?"

His brows were furrowed when he looked back to her, but he didn't seem angry, at least not at her. He seemed to be contemplating his answer before he finally spoke. "I have no doubt this is what you were tasked with. However, I need to assimilate what I have already learned. Please allow time, and we will speak."

She gave him a nod and turned back to the house. She paused after a step and turned back. "I'll leave the door unlocked." He gave her a small nod with a look of gratitude before he turned back to contemplating the moon and his thoughts. She felt horrible about the whole thing still, but at least everyone was willing to try to listen.

When she made it back into the house, she was surprised to see Cloud standing near the door. She gave him a smile to let him know she understood and appreciated him thinking of her. She immediately turned to go to clean up and was surprised again when she found there was not much left for her to do. She turned to Zack with shock. "You guys cleaned up already?"

He had stopped his squats as soon as she came back in, so when she turned to him, he gave her a grin and nodded toward Cloud. "Yeah, me an' Spikey took care of it. If there is anything else we can do to help, let us know. If you're gonna be stuck taking care of us for a while, then it's the least we can do."

She gave him a genuine smile. "Thanks. That's a big help."

At that point, Noel finally spoke up. "Where is Caius?"

She tried to keep her face from falling into a frown as she answered. "He is still outside thinking. I told him I would leave the door unlocked when he is ready to come back in."

Noel hesitated before he spoke again. "Did you tell him everything?"

Sherry finally sighed. She knew they were all on edge, but she didn't have the option of wishing it was someone else's problem. "No. He asked for some time to contemplate everything I've already told him." Noel's face flickered between relief and worry. Sherry understood the feeling. None of them were likely to take things well.

Her attention was drawn when Sephiroth spoke again. "As much as we may all want to get to the bottom of this, it seems as though this will take more than one day to accomplish. I see no reason to force you beyond your limits for no gain. We can discuss the rest tomorrow."

Again, Sherry was surprised at his understanding. She wasn't going to deny she wasn't up to any more that night. She gave him a nod. "Thank you. I think a clearer head would help. I know none of you slept last night, so I can get blankets and such. I have a few extras. I also have a futon downstairs in the den and an extra bed in the guest room. There is also the couch and a chaise. That last might be a little uncomfortable for you guys that are super tall, but I'm sure we can come up with something better with some time. I also have two blow-up mattresses that are still at camp. They'll be back when Kaylan and Jerry go get them."

None of the remaining men looked comfortable with the idea of sleeping. Cloud was the first to speak. "No offense to your hospitality, but I don't know if I'd be comfortable sleeping here."

His words weren't exactly unexpected, but they still irritated her. She had to fight not to roll her eyes when she responded. "I understand why you feel that way, but even though most of you are superhuman, you still require sleep. Why don't you pair up with someone you trust at least enough not to kill you while you sleep and take turns. It's a better option than making yourself so exhausted that you'll eventually fall."

Cloud frowned at her, but Zack piped up before he could say anything. "She's right. I trust you to watch my back, so if you want, I can let you sleep. I know when it's my turn, you'll keep me safe, right?"

Cloud still didn't look entirely convinced, but he gave a nod anyway. "I suppose none of us can afford to be at less than our best." He turned to Sherry at that point. "Where should we go?"

At his question, she looked between the two of them and Genesis and Sephiroth. Those two still wore wary looks, but they hadn't said anything. She then looked over at Noel with a sigh. "I think it would be best if you two were downstairs." She focused on Sephiroth at that point. "If the two of you agree, you can use the bed in the guest room."

Noel spoke up at that point before anyone could say anything else. "I don't really care where I sleep. I'm sure I've slept in more dangerous places before."

She raised an eye at his bravado but didn't call him on it. "If that's the case, then you can have the couch. When Caius comes back in, have him wake me, and we can either set up a pallet for tonight, or he can take the chaise. These will only be temporary solutions until we can figure out something better."

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