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Chapter 38

Sherry ate quickly and then checked out before they repacked the vehicle and headed toward the book store. She stopped at a bank on the way and gave them each some cash. They had seen enough already that they didn't need much explaining. Once that was done, she found a place to park and headed in. She was shocked when Genesis headed in with her. She turned to him with a frown. "You know, it'll be alright if you want to explore. I don't want you to feel obligated to stick around here and be bored."

He shot her a charming grin. "This is an entire store filled with literature. Who says I will be bored?"

Sherry blinked a few times and then chuckled. "I suppose you're right. Never mind. Well, if you stick around here, we won't have time to shop for you for a few days, just keep that in mind."

He gave her a nod. "Duly noted."

Sherry already knew the drill, so she went to the appropriate desk and asked for the Community Development Manager. It was not long at all until a tall brunette came to greet her. "Ms. Wilson! It's a pleasure to have you here today! We have space all set up for you near the coffee shop. Since you're here a little early, is there anything else you need?"

Sherry shook the woman's hand with a smile. "I might indulge in a bit of extra caffeine, but otherwise, no thank you. I appreciate all your help!"

"That's what I'm here for. Please, let me know if you need anything."

Sherry waved her off as she set her things near the table that was pointed out. She was shocked the woman hadn't noticed Genesis, but when she turned to ask him if he wanted some coffee, he was already gone. She grinned when she realized he had really been looking forward to the books.

Once she had her coffee in hand, she settled in for a long few hours. She didn't expect to be slammed all day. It wasn't like she was on par with J.K. Rowling or Sara J. Maas, but her book had been well enough received that she expected her day to be steady. She wasn't wrong, either. In fact, it was busy enough that she missed the many times Genesis walked past to check on her, frowning each time. At least he didn't interrupt.

The highlight of her day had been when a young man came by with a frowning girl. She almost didn't remember him until the girl held out a book to be signed, and Sherry saw a familiar slip of paper. She smiled up at the girl. "You must be Maria."

The girl froze. Obviously, she had thought the whole thing had been a hoax. She stumbled over her words as she blushed. "Uh, yes ma'am. Thank you for the note!"

Sherry chuckled and nodded as she signed the book too. She winked at the girl when she handed it back. "When a guy goes out of the way to accost your favorite author, that is a keeper."

They both blushed, but they could tell she was teasing. They grinned and waved as they left. By that time, it was close enough to 15:00 that Sherry started cleaning up. The Community Manager had stopped by several times, but Sherry made sure to stop and thank her once again as they left.

As they walked out, she noticed Genesis had two new books in hand. She leaned over and looked at the titles before she laughed. He looked back to her with a raised brow. "You didn't have these, and I wanted to finish the series."

She raised both hands. "I wasn't judging."

Overall, it had been a good day, but she was thankful to see Sephiroth and Caius waiting near the SUV. She was already tired. They each had a few purchases, but nothing too ostentatious. Mostly, it looked like clothes that would fit them properly. She didn't blame them for it at all. Daniel was tall, but they were still bigger. It had to be nice having something that didn't threaten to cut off their circulation of they bent the wrong way. Once it was all packed, they were on the road again.

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