Better Futures

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Chapter 53

Much to Sherry's shock, it was the eyes of the seeress that moved to hers. She realized that even if Caius didn't know she was there, the girl did. She started to step back, but Yeul gave her a smile and turned back to Caius. "Guardian. You must focus. Listen now."

Despite his anguish, he looked up to her face. Sherry could tell he was shocked by the serene look on her young face. She patted his cheek. "I do not have long, so listen. She was never meant for you, but do not despair. She loves you still and will always have a place for you in her heart, but you are destined for another. You will accomplish many great things, and Paddra will flourish under your watchful eyes. Remember my words. Happiness is a pursuit, and you will gain it as long as you do not forget that."

Something in the Seeress' words brought back a memory that caused him to sit back in shock as the rest of what she said slid into place. Her smile grew as she saw his understanding. Her hand slipped down, and her voice was barely a whisper. "Never forget my words, Caius Ballad."

Caius put his forehead to hers and allowed himself to grieve for a few moments. He would remember, but for just a moment, it was all too much. He thought he felt a feather-light touch of warmth cross his shoulder and words of comfort whispered past. He looked up and around. All he could see were the faces of his comrades, and the peoples of Paddra already lost in mourning for their Seeress. Still, he knew he had not imagined it. He looked down once more and found the strength to stand. He knew there was still much to be done, and they needed to be prepared if Paddra was to withstand what was to come.

Sherry watched with tears streaming down her face as Caius stepped up to the older man with Yeul in his arms. The man looked down and then back up with a sigh. "She said things would change when you got back. I didn't realize it would be this. What in Lindzei's name is going on?"

Caius shook his head and gently handed the girl's body to the present guardian. "I have much to share. Most you may not believe. All I ask is that you keep an open mind. The most important part is that you know that some time in the next year, we will come under attack by a large enough force that we could have fallen. We must prepare."

The man snorted. "What, have you grown the Eyes now too?"

Caius gave him a haunted look but did not answer. Something in that look must have given the older man a clue that it was no joke. He looked down at the girl with seriousness once again. "An attack, you say?"

Caius nodded, and the man sighed. "Come fill me in, and we'll get the hunters ready. But first, we have a period of mourning."

The blackness faded back in as the pair walked off, and Sherry wrapped her arms around herself. She finally let her sobs loose. She wasn't sure why she had been holding them back since she knew no one there would have seen or heard them, but she hadn't felt right breaking down while still watching Caius being so stoic. Her heart ached to comfort him. He needed someone to be there for him.

She had no idea how much longer it was before she was able to get herself under control enough to speak again. She turned to Etro with a cracked voice. "Yeul, she said he would find happiness. He does, right?"

Etro smiled. "I will let you find that on your own when you are ready." Sherry frowned but nodded. There was a small part of her that wasn't sure she could face seeing him again so soon. Her heart already felt shredded.

At her nod, Etro held out her hand again. When Sherry eyed it warily, the goddess laughed. "You asked about Noel as well, did you not?"

With what she had just witnessed, she had forgotten about the younger guardian. She sighed and hesitated. "Is there such a thing as sleep here? I mean, I know I don't really have a physical body, this is just my mind, but my mind is already exhausted."

Etro laughed. "This is what you want it to be. It is not your prison, despite how you see it now. It is supposed to be your reward. I hope in time, you will come to understand."

Sherry took a deep breath as she tried to wrap her head around that statement. It was still too much, but she again took the goddess' hand. She wanted to see how her friends were doing.

When the blackness faded again, she recognized some of the plant life as belonging to Pulse. It didn't look like Paddra, as it was too open. There were endless grasslands. As she spun around, she could see plateaus in the distance, and she wondered if she might be on the Steppes.

Her attention was drawn by a whistling noise as something passed close to where she was standing. She didn't realize it was an arrow until she saw it sticking out of a small beast that had been hiding in the grass a few feet away.

She nearly jumped when there were several whoops behind her, and a group of teenagers came running over. She watched as one of them passed by her and jumped in shock as she recognized him. Although he only looked to be about thirteen or so, it was very clearly Noel. He was the one holding the bow, and he picked up the beast with a proud grin. "See! I told you my aim was improving!"

As he turned back to the others, Sherry nearly laughed. Now that she was looking for it, it was easy to recognize two of the others. Although, she turned to Etro with a little worry. At her look, the goddess shook her head and smiled. "Reincarnation is supposed to be a boon given to those souls that have earned it. Those two have more than done so. Rest easy, this is the first time, not the thousandth."

Sherry looked back at a much younger version of Caius as he looked over the kill that Noel brought him. He was older than Noel, but not by much. He might have been fifteen. Yeul was standing off to the side shyly as she watched them both. It was easy to tell the only reason she was there was for moral support. It was made even sweeter when she walked over and took Noel by the hand. He smiled down at her as they all turned to head back toward the cliffs in the distance.

It was at that moment that Sherry caught sight of the face of the other girl, and something about it made her freeze. She looked over at Etro in shock as the older girl walked over and placed her hand in Caius' and the two couples walked back. "That isn't. It can't be."

Etro laughed. "Claire? Why not? Do you think she deserves this boon any less than the others?"

Sherry looked back at the four of them and started laughing. She watched Noel and Yeul, Caius and Lightning until they were all out of sight. Of all the things she had seen so far, this was the most heartwarming. They were still so young and had so much life left to live, and judging from the world around them, they would have ample opportunity to do so.

She was still smiling when the blackness came once more. She turned to Etro with a smile. "Thank you. For all that you have helped with. I know it may take me some time, but I'm glad you helped me with these first visits."

The goddess nodded graciously, but she made no move to leave. Sherry felt a sliver of worry slice through her at the look Etro gave her that turned into pure dread when she spoke. "You have not seen them all. Do you not want to see the rest?"

Despite her own knowledge and reassurances that this was just a manifestation in her head, Sherry instantly felt clammy all over. She took a step back and had to swallow a few times. She shook her head. "No." She felt tears falling even though she tried to stop them. "I know Genesis needs to move on. I know he has to. Even if he holds part of me in his heart, it would be unfair for me to wish otherwise, but I can't see it. Not yet. I know it's selfish of me, but I have given up so much. Don't ask me to watch him walk away. I can't. Not yet. I have eternity to come to terms with it. I may be able to look back someday on the happiness he finds with another woman, but I can't face that right now. Please don't ask me to."

The goddess sighed and nodded. She had been expecting that answer, though she had hoped her champion would be able to see beyond her fear far enough to know how wrong she was. Still, there was time. She smiled again and placed her palm upon Sherry's brow. "I will not ask it of you. Rest for now." Sherry's eyes closed involuntarily. She started to drift back into a more comfortable state than she had been in before the goddess first arrived. As she drifted off, she thought she heard Etro speak again, but she wasn't sure. "Rest until it is time for you to be called once again."

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