Could It Be Any Harder

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Chapter 54

It had been two months since Genesis had returned after having been missing for three days. He never gave anyone an explanation for the hauntingly beautiful statue that he brought with him or the equally strange sword that was reminiscent of the Buster Sword that he wouldn't allow anyone to touch. It was all made worse by his actions when he returned to Midgar. He had always been a moody person, but now, his mood swings were drastic.

The one good thing was that he hadn't tried to set anyone on fire. Most notably were Zack and Sephiroth. Especially Sephiroth. Genesis went from angrily yelling at misbehaving cadets to moodily brooding in his office, but he never took it out on Sephiroth. The few times the General offered to spar with him, to get his mind off whatever it was that was bothering him, he would refuse.

He further shocked both Angeal and Sephiroth one day when Sephiroth asked once again during one of his quieter days, and the Commander turned to the General and put his hand on his shoulder. "I do appreciate your offer, and I understand that you are trying to help in your own way. I am afraid that if I were to accept right now, my distraction would cause more harm than good. One of us would likely get injured."

When he turned to head back to his office, both the other Soldiers stared after him with open shock on their faces. They looked at each other before they headed to Sephiroth's. It was at that point they realized they would need to take more drastic measures.


It was only a couple of weeks later that Genesis was sent out on another away mission. He was not happy with the assignment, but he finally agreed when both Sephiroth and Angeal confronted him about his change in behavior. They insisted that something had to change, and hopefully, some time away would help. Since he knew what the issue was, he doubted that would be the case, but he did agree that he was out of ideas. Perhaps he could find out more if he searched elsewhere. That was what motivated him to accept. Especially since he heard there would be indigenous tribesmen near where they were going. He knew it would be a long shot that they would be willing to speak to him, but he was willing to take the risk.

The morning before he was to leave, he made one stop. It was the same one he made every morning. He stood in front of a statue in his apartment that was a recent addition. His gloved hand reached out and trailed softly across the semi-transparent stone, and he closed his eyes. His voice was so low that most would not have heard it. "I will be back as quickly as I am able. I do not know if you can hear me, but I will not give up. I will find a way to reach Minerva. I refuse to let this be the end. I have something I need to tell you, and I will not rest until I can face you once again."

He paused for a moment in the vain hope that he would get some reaction. When nothing moved, his eyes flashed before they dulled again, and he turned on his heel and headed to the helipad. His troops would be waiting. He only expected to be gone for three weeks, even with the side trip he had planned. Since nothing had happened in more than two months, he doubted anything would in that amount of time.


Genesis was expected back at any time. Sephiroth had not anticipated him to send his troops back without him, but they had said he had something else he wanted to follow up on alone. The General was once again worried about his friend, but nothing could be done until the Commander returned. At least he was still sending in daily reports. Odd for the fiery man, but within regulations. He couldn't be reprimanded.

Sephiroth was headed back to his own apartment for the evening when he heard a feminine scream come from the area. That was odd in and of itself since it was the Soldier floor, and there were no female Soldiers or other female family members currently living on the Soldier floor, but when he realized it was coming from Genesis' apartment, he didn't hesitate to break down the door.

He froze at the sight of a woman collapsed in the middle of Genesis' apartment. She looked up to him at the noise, and his shock grew. "Sephiroth! Oh, thank God! What the hell is going on? Where are we?"

Despite her actions toward him, his sword was in hand and pointed at her before she even made it to her feet. She didn't notice that fact as she swayed and nearly fell. He wasn't sure if she was faking her dizziness or not, but he was confident enough that he reached out and caught her. When she grasped his arm and looked up at him with a thankful smile, his confusion grew. She looked around as though she didn't know where she was before she looked back at him.

It looked as though she was going to ask something else, but she finally noticed his sword was out and very clearly out in response to her presence. Her eyes widened, and she finally stepped away from him. Instead of the fear he expected, he saw only hurt and confusion. "Sephiroth? Why are you pointing the Masamune at me? What-"

The woman cut herself off and dropped to her knees before he could reach her side. Sephiroth was there almost immediately and dragged her back up again. His voice was cold when he spoke again. "What are you doing in this apartment? How did you get in here?"

She shook her head, and it was several moments before she could speak. He watched as she stared at him with shock and pain. Tears started streaming down her cheeks, and soft sobs came with her words. "I don't know how I came to be here, but if you- if you don't know me, then I have to assume Genesis brought me home with him."

Her words made no sense to him at all, but he could tell by the way she was shaking that he would have to carry her out if he tried to force her to move at that moment. He bit back a sigh and pulled out his phone instead. With Genesis' strange behavior, this only put his nerves on edge. It was only a matter of moments before there was a voice on the other end of the line. "Yes, I need you to send two operatives and make sure to bring restraints."

The woman next to him tensed but didn't argue. She gave him another hurt look and shook her head. Her voice was soft. "He really did bring me here. I know you have no reason to believe me right now, but you can ask him yourself. Where is he?"

He frowned for a moment before he erased it. "He is out on a mission. If you are telling the truth, then there will be no issues. Though I find that hard to believe. He has made no mention of any woman in his life recently, nor has he been seen escorting anyone. He has not been social in months at all."

Sherry was already so destroyed by the sight of a Sephiroth that didn't know her, that she hardly had the brainpower to think about what his words meant. All she knew was that she was on Gaia somehow and surrounded by people that thought she was a stranger. She had woken up with a new focus, and her visions had not been any more pleasant this time than they had been the first time around.

It was only a matter of a few minutes later that a new voice joined them, and Sephiroth turned her to face the two newcomers. Sherry wasn't sure if she wanted to cry more or laugh. She settled for crying more. She had no doubt that the next few days were going to be miserable at best. Especially when she caught sight of Tseng and his impassive face. Reno whistled as Sephiroth shoved her forward. "Wow, is the Commander keepin' hot women hidden in his room now? And here I thought he was gettin' ready to swear 'em off."

Sherry blinked and gave him a confused look, but didn't bother speaking up. She needed to figure out what was going on first. She would let them ask questions and go from there. Sephiroth gladly answered. "She claims she doesn't know how she got here. She claims that Genesis brought her somehow."

Tseng lifted one fine brow and looked directly at Sherry. "And how could he have brought you without you knowing how."

Sherry shook her head and tried to keep from breaking down again. The last thing she needed was to lose it now. "I was asleep. I guess you could call it a coma. I don't know how long it's been. I wasn't anywhere near here, so I have no idea how I got here or even where here is exactly."

None of the men looked convinced. Reno laughed, but there was no humor in the sound. He moved forward at Tseng's motion and placed cuffs on her wrists before he started to lead her out and down the hall. Sherry barely heard Sephiroth and Tseng begin to speak as they left. She was too concentrated on keeping her feet under her and figuring what she could do to keep herself alive long enough for Genesis to make it back.

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