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" mean you said all that to your dad! Wow you were really mad like if....."Becky was still reminiscing what I had told her concerning my staying in her apartment.

"I know I know I just can't believe my dad would just rush into getting another woman after my mom left and I don't really want to talk about this right now okay ?"I said trying to make myself comfortable on her bed which seemed impossible.

"And do you want to take care of Sekani ?"she asked looking at me like I made a silly decision.

"I would find a way I just know that when I get my first pay from my job I'd be able to take care of the both of us and get an apartment."I tiredly said getting up from her bed reaching for my jacket.

"Hold up where are you going it's past 10pm you shouldn't be out this late,you know how the ghetto can be at night !"she exclaimed not even wanting to hear an explanation.

"I don't know I'm just disoriented and I need to get Sekani out of the house by tomorrow morning, dad is not going let him stay past the night. He's my responsibility now"I said in the calmest voice ever.

I've been weak and fragile since I left my father's house. I can't comprehend that our once peaceful home is now a fiasco.

"Hey!!! ". Becky exclaimed like she just remembered something.

"My elder brother, Mike is in town he came over for a business trip and he's gonna be in Atlanta for a while." Becky said all in one breath.

"Wait which Mike ?!" I asked not wanting it to be the Mike we both know.

"Dummy! How many brothers do I have of course it's the one and only Mike Jones "she said giving me a knowing smile and wiggling her brows.

So Mike Jones is Becky's older brother. I've been crushing on him since I was six years old and that made me do awkward things when I was around him. Even when I started highschool I was still hooked up on him , that was when I decided to confess my feelings to him only to hear he was leaving for college and not interested.

Well that was way before I met Andre and now I'm so over him and don't even think of him that way but it's going to be really awkward again.

"Boo you have to suck away your pride if you want to get your brother out of that house , Mike is the only solution now"Becky's words were annoying but true. If I have to get my brother out of the house in the morning I have to rely on Mike.


It was Saturday the next day and I wouldn't be resuming until Monday. We were in Mike's penthouse. He allowed Sekani to stay for as long as he wants but I wouldn't be letting him stay long because I wasn't comfortable with the arrangement.

"Sis thanks for getting me out of the house in time dad wasn't taking it easy on me ."Sekani said as he settles in his new room which was too big for his tiny self.

"You're my responsibility now so you shouldn't be thanking me besides you should get your things arranged but don't get too comfortable I'd get you out soon."I said with a tint of authority in my voice.

"Slow down ma'am, since we got here you've been on the edge what's your deal ?"Sekani doesn't know about the awkward incident between Mike and I .

"It's nothing just really angry with dad. We'd talk later on the phone I have to head back to the house to get most of my things out" I said hugging him and  I left his room walking towards the sitting room.

Mike was relaxed on the couch wearing a casual short and a fitted navy blue shirt. He just know what colours to go with his dark skin color.

"Hey, you leaving ?"Mike asked like he was expecting me to stay in his place.

"Yeah, I'm squatting with Becky at the moment until I get an apartment and once I do Sekani is coming with me ."I said turning around to walk towards the door.

"Are you still feeling bad about what happened 7 years ago ?"his dark brown eyes were peering into mine as he was already standing and looking down at me waiting for a response.

"What?! Nahh"I said while giving out a fake laugh.

"Then why the attitude and the tough layer you're putting up"he asked knowing that I lied.

"It's fine seriously, I'm over you and don't feel anything anymore I've been through a lot in just a month and I'm still under the effect."I said with pain rising in my throat looking down at my shoes.

"Oh okay I understand and I'm here if you need any help ...I'd be one call away". He said with something I couldn't define in his eyes.

"Trust me , I'd be fine I wouldn't be need much help ." He backed up and went towards the door to open it up for me .

"Thanks again Mike, have a nice day"I said looking up at his tall figure and left the building.

I went straight to my father's house to get my things that I left in there. As I approached the house, neighbours kept looking at me while giving away small talks to whoever was beside them or simply having their lips curled in a disappointing way.

I didn't mind what my dad had told them I just want to get my things and leave this area. I reached our house and was shocked to see my things already packed and dumped outside on our front lawn.

I didn't have enough energy to deal with my dad or his new wife. So I picked up the bags and the few clothes that were on the floor.

"You really have the nerve coming back in here after the hasty and foolish decision you made skai"I flinched hearing that thick voice only to see it was my dad who managed to open the front door without me knowing or maybe it was my thoughts that drowned all the sounds around me.

"Says someone who hastily married his side chick "I said putting the huge bag containing all my things over my shoulder turning around to walk away.

"One more thing skai, since you took Sekani, his college fees are also yours too"His word made me angry not because I can't handle the bills but because of the guts and will he has to say that to me.

"Like you could pay for it anyway !" I said and walked away , then paced out of the lawn getting a cab as quick as possible.

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