Loose Ends

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All I could hear was my thoughts,my fears,my delusion. My mind wandered into different memories and previous events that had happened between Andre and I.

"Skai ? Skai ?!" I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't know how long Drake had been calling me.

We were all seated in the living room including Darius and Thelma who came to investigate the issue of the bomb.

"Yeah ?"I looked up at Drake who had a scowl on his face as he pointed a photo on the table that was in the middle of the room.

It was a photo of a young guy probably in his late teens, he looked so familiar maybe that was because he looked like Andre.

"Have you seen this guy before ?"He asked me with his eyes narrowed.

"No I haven't seen him." I replied as I took the photo off the table.

"Well that's who planted the bomb by the gate, he's Andre's younger brother."Darius said as he itched the back of his head. I wonder why Andre isn't doing his dirty work himself, why is he sending people to get them done for him.

"What ?! It was Andre who sent him right ?"I angrily questioned Darius and Thelma as the twins who sat beside me rubbed my back in a soothing way so as to calm me.

"Yes that's what we know so far but he made a questionable remark." He took a deep sigh as he shifted to the edge of his seat.

"He said Andre would always be a step ahead with all the loose ends around you." Thelma said as she looked around the room like she was looking for something.

"What do you mean ?" Drake asked them as he took the the photo from my hands.

"They are getting information from someone that's close to you."Her eyes lit with a spark as she looked at me.

"Yeah and what happened at the farm today confirms it."Darius took out more photos from a file he had on the table.

He spaced out the photos on the table. The girls were disturbed by the images they saw. One showed a man laying dead in a pool of blood while the other showed a gun.

"What happened, I thought you said you'd be able to get a grip on them ."Drake narrowed his eyes at the cops and I could see his hands were in a fist which means he's about to lose it.

"Well someone told the gang our plan and they didn't show up at the farm as expected but Andre did according to the dead body we found there, he killed the farmer, we found his fingerprints on the gun."Thelma pointed at the photo of the dead man. Shiver went through my spine and my head began hot with anger. I wanted to get up and smash something but I calmed myself as I took in a deep breath.

That wasn't the same for Drake as he got up and pounded his fist into the wall and smashed a flower vase on the floor. He's been violent lately, I understand the whole issue is frustrating but his anger lately is on another level.

"So what next ?!" I angrily asked them with gritted teeth.

"We'd encourage you tie up the loose ends, you watch who you tell our plans and activities. We are going to be examining the objects and machineries left by the gang at the farm maybe we'd find something." Thelma said as she gathered the photos from the table.

"In the meantime, we'd send some of our men here to tighten the security in case any member of the gang shows up." Darius stood up from the couch making his tall figure stand out.

"We'd be on our way now and Mr Johnson you should calm yourself down."He said to Drake who was still facing the wall with a red face before walking out of the house.

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