Double Faced

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I felt I was gagged and put in a thick bag that enveloped me, sucking away the air from my lungs. I tried so hard to breathe but I felt myself drowning into the numbness of suffocation.

That was when I swiftly opened my eyes realizing it was all a bad dream, I tried moving my arms but I discovered they were tied behind me.

My legs were laid straight and I could see that they were also tied with chains with a lock, I felt like a slave who was about to be sold.

I looked around the room and it was a modern but nice room which had most of it's furniture built with polished wood and I took in the scent of the freshly polished wood.

The scent and thought of polished wood became familiar as the smell tingled in my nose. I tried to remember where I had perceived the scent before but I couldn't remember.

I was still brainstorming when Andre walked in slowly from the door with a sinister smirk on his face.

"Hello Beautiful." He said as he stopped in front of the bed where I had been chained.

"Why Andre ?!" I said in a calm tone as I watched him sit beside me.

"You brought this on yourself, you and I could be on our honeymoon now but you had to call it quits." He said as he shifted in where he sat to have a good view of my face.

"I can't marry a criminal."

"Oh shut up! Five years Skai and you easily ended it. You didn't give me a chance and next thing I know you were sitting with another guy having dinner." He shook his head at me angrily as he threw the small gun in his hands on the bed which made me shift in where I sat.

"I love you Skai, I treated you with maximum respect even if I didn't value women. I gave you all I could give but it seems you didn't love me the way I did." His tone of voice was varying from high to low as he spoke with anger.

"What do you mean by that ?!"I asked as I furrowed my brows at him.

"If you truly loved me you'd have married me irrespective of my job !" He shouted at my face as he forcefully got up from the bed.

"That's not being in love that's being stupid, because I can't marry someone who would always be on the hide from the cops !" I shouted back at him as I shook my body in anger.

"You were a poor little innocent girl but I still chose to love you irrespective of our backgrounds." He stormed towards me and he pushed my head into the wall as he finished speaking.

"That's a different ballgame! You're just obsessed  and crazy!" He began laughing hard at my words as he withdrew from me.

"It's funny what obsession can do." He shook his head slightly as he chuckled to himself. "It can make you mentally unstable which makes you a easy and cheap prey for manipulation." He said as he walked to the end of the room and rested his back against the wall.

"What are you talking about ?!" I asked him with a scared but questioning look because I knew he wasn't referring to himself.

" about I show you." He said before he shouted some words in Spanish and the same man who carried me earlier walked in with the least person I expected to see.

"Now do you understand obsession ?" He said as he laughed hard while he crossed his arms.

"Mike ?!" I was dazed and confused as I saw Mike who was pushed inside the room.

He looked like a million hefty men had beaten the heck out of him because his face was swollen and I could see burns on his arms and the blood stains over his shirt.

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