It's Official

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"What in the world are you doing in Mr Orchard's office ?" Becky asked me as she stormed into my office with two cups of coffee in her hands.

"Just come here ." I said as I took a cup of coffee from her and ushered her to where the cushions and coffee table were.

"I understand the man's dead but what I don't understand is what you're doing in here dressed up like that. " She gave off a sassy tone as she looked at my outfit before settling in one of the cushions.

"That's why I called you, would you just be calm for a minute." I told her as I stood in front of her staring at her confused face.

"Okay tell me what.... wait a sec, you're the new boss !" She got up immediately as she stumped heavily to where I stood. I rolled my eyes at her before making a reply

"Yes I am the boss." I shrugged at her as I took a sip from the coffee in my hands.

"Whoaa! That's some real shocker, oh wow! I'm seriously happy for you but my confusion is getting the best of me." She shook her head as she gave me a wide smile.

"He put the company in my name before he died. He could have given it to his son but his son is sick, he has dyslexia." I rushed my words as I took my seat in one of the cushion.

"Whaat ?! You took over the company just like that. Babe you see why I tell you that you're one heck of a fortunate child ." She exclaimed as she rushed over to me and engulfed me in a tight hug.

"Becky you're literally squeezing me!" I yelped because I couldn't feel my lungs anymore.

"I'm squeezing out the fortune from you so I could get some ." We both laughed loud as she let go of me.

"We need to go out and celebrate this." She said as she gulped the coffee from from her cup.

"No sis, the last time we went out to celebrate we both know what happened." I chuckled as I got up from my seat and walked towards my desk.

I turned around and Becky was stiff in her position. She didn't turn or say anything, it was like she saw a ghost.

"Becky ?!" I called her to get her attention as I settled in my seat.

"Yeah. Uhm Skai... has Drake told you anything ?" She had her eyebrows furrowed with her eyes narrowed as she walked towards where I stood.

"Anything like ?" I asked her in confusion as I sat upright in my seat.

"Oh I guess he hasn't told you yet." She rolled her eyes as she slumped into one of the seats in front of the desk.

"What are you taking about ? "I leaned forward in other to hear what she had to say.

"Do you know Drake has feelings for you ?" Relief flooded my face as I relaxed back into my seat while laughing loud.

"Babe ! Yes he told me and is that why you are acting like you saw a ghost ?" I waved her off as I chuckled at how over dramatic she could be sometimes.

"Skai, that's not what I wanted to say." My smile slowly faded as I turned to look at her,she now had a stern look.

"Wha-wha-what is it then ?" I stuttered because I knew whatever she had to tell me was very serious because Becky never gave a stern look but whenever she does,it doesn't end up well.

"Drake adores you much more than you could imagine. He's not just protecting you because of what happened to him in his past, he's also protecting you because he doesn't want to lose you. " She stood up from her seat and sat in front of me on my desk.

"Where are you going with this ?" I've known all of this and I was anxious to know what she had to say.

"Well,he really wants you around him all the time so he wanted to make it official." She had a smirk on her face as she cocked her head to the side.

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