Grabbing The Horns

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You know that feeling when you feel a tugging in your chest like the weight of your chest has been doubled which makes your body feel sore from carrying your heavy chest.

That's exactly how I feel. I can't explain how I'm feeling at the moment because different emotions are running through my mind.

I feel guilty and sad because I hurt Drake not knowing how he felt and I assumed something really bad about him, at the same time I feel angry because of the way he treated Mike even though he came to visit him at the hospital when he was sick.

I don't feel I owe Drake any explanation regarding Mike and I even if I'm not involved with Mike but I still feel sad and in debt to Drake.

I can't go to the office because Drake would be there and things would get out of hand now that he has told me how he feels and he's still mad at me.

I'm thinking of going to Mike's place to check up on him but I don't want any more drama from Drake and Mike would keep on asking me for my response to his proposal.

I would have gone to Becky's place but she's at work and she's still avoiding me, I'd give her sometime before I decide to see her again.

I laid down on my bed, juggling the thoughts from last night and where to go so I can escape these thoughts. I can't stay in this house any longer and I don't want Drake to meet me home maybe I'd go somewhere for a while and come home late when Drake is asleep.

I decided to go downstairs and spend some time with the twins, the tension in the house is not suitable for them and I can see it on their faces that they are not happy.

Walking down the stairs, I could hardly feel my head maybe it's because of the pounding headache I've been having since I woke up, I approached the living room and I saw the girls dressed up with their bags packed.

"Whoa, what's going on ?" I rushed to them with my eyes fixed on the bags.

The girls looked really sad and they had their faces down, I looked around and my eyes fell on James.

"James, what's happening ?" I asked as I narrowed my eyes in confusion.

"Dad is asking us to come home." Busayo said as she stepped forward.

"What ?! Why ?!" I threw questions at the girls while some of the guards took their bags away.

"Dad got to find out about the things that has been going on here." Busola explained as she held my hands.

"How ?! We made sure none of it went on the news or the media." I took Busayo's hands too as I looked into their faces. I really enjoy their company and I don't want them to leave.

"Drake told him, he asked us to leave but we didn't want to so he told Dad who would force us to leave." My eyes narrowed at what she said, I could feel anger rushing through my veins.

"Why is he sending you away ?! What's wrong with that human, he's always ...." I was cut short by James who cleared his throat.

"It was because of you Skai." I looked at him with a confused expression as he walked towards me.

"Drake thought you were in danger, he wanted to take active measures and he couldn't do all that with the twins around, he had to make sure they were safe but ..." He gestured his hands towards me reminding me of last night's drama.

I closed my eyes and took steps backwards and rested my body against the wall, I'm so frustrated right now. The twins were leaving sooner than expected because of me and Kelvin won't be happy with all the drama I'm causing his niece and we hid all of it from him.

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