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I felt really dizzy and lightheaded as I opened my eyes. I discovered I was on a damp sandy floor then I tried to get up but I couldn't. I was still under the effect of the chemical.

I looked around to know where I was then I realized I was at the beach and I was really close to the water. I wiped my face with the back of my hand then I felt a note taped to my forehead.

It's been long I watched you sleep so I I made you sleep so I could watch you peacefully sleep in my arms. Have a nice swim at the beach, kisses.

Anger welled up in my body as I read through the note. Does he really take this as a child's play where he could give me a terrible scare just to watch me sleep. That's it ! I'm not having this crap anymore.

I reached out for my phone in my pocket to call the police for help but I couldn't find it then that was when I realized I was wearing a wedding dress. Why was I wearing a wedding dress more importantly who dressed me up ,I hope it wasn't that fool called Andre. I tried to roll myself away from the water but my efforts were in vain as I slipped into the water.

The huge body of water swallowed me. The heavy waves of the sea tossed me about draining all the strength that I had. I couldn't swim up to the surface, the water was stronger and I closed my eyes awaiting my death.


It's 12:00 at midnight and I haven't seen Skai at the hotel. I waited for a while thinking she went around for a stroll but she didn't show up.

I sent out my bodyguards to look for Skai while I decided to take the other car to look for Skai in another route. I drove about the city for a long time and to be honest I was getting scared. I can't afford to let another person die on my watch no, not again.

The thoughts of that awful period when Lydia died flooded my mind so I decided to clear my mind at the beach. I drove down to towards the shore then I spot someone who was struggling with the strong waves at the sea.

I rushed out of the car and raced into the water and dived into the sea. I reached for the lady but then I realized it was Skai, she was now unconscious due to the amount of water that might have gained access into her respiratory system.

I pulled her out of the water and laid her on the shore of the beach. She was looking so pale and weak. I decided to give her CPR. I reached out for her lips and I held her nostrils tight.

I blew air into her mouth then pushed her chest inward repeatedly. After a while of doing the processes repeatedly,she recuperated from her unconscious state.

"Skai, skai can you hear me"I asked looking at her then I realized she was wearing a wedding dress.

She looked at me with hope in her eyes then she did something that was unexpected. She drew me into a hug and she began crying loudly.

I was shocked because I didn't expect her to do that even if I just saved her life. I pulled her away from me slowly to take a look at her face. She looked so pale and fragile.

"Why don't we get you to the hotel okay ?"I carried her in my arms then put her in the back seat of my car.

She was sleeping peacefully on my bed then I called one of the maid in the hotel to clean her up and put some new clothes on her.

I was in the lobby of the hotel waiting for her to clean up. I was lost in thoughts thinking of what happened to her, why was she at the beach wearing a wedding dress.


I opened my eyes and saw myself in a different room. I looked around and I saw an elderly woman in a maid uniform, she gave me a warm smile.

"Hello Miss Skai,how are you feeling ?"She asked me in a calm and soothing voice.

"Yes I'm fine,I just feel a little dizzy. Where am I ?"I know I was at the hotel but this wasn't my room.

"Oh this is the boss's room, he insisted you were brought here, there's hot chocolate in the mug on the bedside table. I'd be on my way now."I thanked her as she left. I reached out for the mug of hot chocolate, it tasted really nice and it's heat made me feel warm.

Drake walked into the room still wearing the suit that he wore to work earlier today.

"How are you feeling now ?"He asked me calmly and he settled at the edge of the bed.

"I'm okay, I'm just a little dizzy"I said before sipping on my hot chocolate.

"Are you in the mood to talk or I should just wait till tomorrow ?"I didn't make a response to his question because I was thinking if I should tell him or not.

After a moment of silence, he got up from the bed and walked towards the door. He turned to look at me.

"I guess till tomorrow then or whenever you want to talk about it."He said before stepping out of the room.

"His name is Andre, he was my fiance"I began. He turned around slowly with an expressionless face as he closed the door behind him.

"A guy did this to you ?!"He asked in an angered state but I didn't care ,I just continued my story.

I narrated the whole thing to him from when I first met Andre down to when he dropped me by the beach.

"I'm sorry you have to be bugged by someone like that , he's really dangerous and I won't let him get close to you."He said reassuringly.

"No it's no one's fault and I would report to the police first thing tomorrow morning"I said as tried to reach the bedside table to drop the mug.

He took it from my hands and helped me with it.
"I've done that already,they are on his case now,the policemen were glad I reported him because they've been on the look out for him but he has been slipping out of the cops hands."He said as he dropped the mug then he began taking off his jacket.

"Oh thank you so much Drake, thanks for saving my life."I stood up from the bed and walked towards him looking intently into his eyes. He had an expression in his eyes that I haven't seen before and I didn't know what it it.

"I think we should stay at my uncle's place from now on because we'd be in New York for a while till you get yourself before traveling back to Atlanta."I didn't like the idea of staying here in New York for a while but he had a point I was still experiencing shock from the incident and I am not fit to travel back anytime soon.

"We'd leave first thing tomorrow morning to my uncle's place. Now you should go to bed and rest."He came closer and put his hands on my shoulder.

"Skai I know we aren't the best if friends nor did we have a good working relationship but I want you to know that you're my responsibility now and I'm going to make sure that Idiot pay for all the pain he has cost you."

His words were like warm jacket put around me during a cold rainstorm. No one has ever assured me safety more or less decided to take responsibility decided to take responsibility for me.

I've been the one doing that for people right from Sekani to Mr Orchard but now the world's most arrogant man is taking responsibility for me.

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