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"Excuse me ?!"I clapped back at the silly statement Drake made. I waited for a reply but he kept mute working on his laptop.

"So you do remember me! You have a lot of nerve lying to my face and acting all cold" I blurted out feeling angry and annoyed.

"You lied to me, you didn't tell me you were going to be working for me and that's shallow"He said getting up from his seat walking up to me.

"Oh so I should have told you hey I'm Skai, don't talk to me or try and be nice , I'm going to be working for you soon! Wow that's nonsense , besides I wasn't the one who pushed you to ask me out on a date."I clapped back with sass and anger standing up from my seat coming face to face with the handsome jerk.

"Well why didn't you tell me ?"He asked looking down at me. I hate that he's way taller.

"Because it's not the right thing a human says in the first meeting !, You're a mean,cold and arrogant person even if you're my boss that doesn't mean you can talk to me like my life depends on you"I harshly said.

"Well if you don't like it here you could always go back to your company and get fired but I'm sure you won't like that so you should suck up your pride and work humbly under me for the next 6 months."He said calmly leaning closer giving a sense of oppression because his words were true, if I want to excel in my company and get that position I'd need to make this contract successful.

"And you should also be more of a boss that an oppressor." I said with gritted teeth turning away to my seat before he pulled me back with a tight grip on my arm.

"Don't test me Skai, I'm not the kind you should mess with "He said in a threatening way flinging my arms away before walking out of the office.

I can't understand why a human would choose to be so cruel and cold hearted.

After a while, I was tired and hungry, so I texted Becky to meet me at the waiting room so we could go have lunch together.

Skai : Hey hungry ?

Becky : I could eat a cow!

Skai : 😂 okay let's meet at the waiting room so we could go for lunch.

I didn't wait for her reply because I know she would be on her way so I dropped my phone on the desk while I arranged the files and took my jacket leaving the office.


Drake Johnson POV

I can't still believe Skai didn't tell she was going to work for me while she let me fool myself asking her out. But I feel I was too hard or harsh on her.

You can't blame me for being so hard after what I suffered because I trusted and dated one of my employee. Seeing Skai in my office was highly unexpected.

I had to leave the office for a while after the heated confrontation we had, so I decided to take a stroll around the offices. I was back into my office and I realized Skai wasn't here anymore.

I went to my table and settled in my chair ready to go back to work then my phone beeped. I checked my phone there was no message nor calls so it wasn't my phone. Then I glanced over at Skai's table seeing a phone that was lit up.

I went over to her desk and I picked up the phone. She had a message from Becky, oh great she knows Becky too which means Becky is also aware about last night.

I didn't mind what the message contained anymore when I got to see the young good looking guy on her wallpaper.

Damn. So she has a man yet she agreed to go on a date with me. Can this girl be serious right now. Well she proves me right again that all women are not to be trusted.

I flipped the phone back on her desk and walked back to my table feeling angry.

Skai POV

I was back into the building with Becky after a nice lunch of talking about what happened between Drake and I.

"I told you, I knew Drake would surely reveal his true self"Becky said as we entered the elevator.

"Whatever, He's just a jerk"I said with annoyance.

"Yeah so would you be able to come for the movie night at my place ?" Becky asked. I was unaware of any movie night.

"What movie night, I'm not aware of anything"I said with a confused look.

"Didn't you get my message, check your phone"She said rolling eyes while we stepped out of the elevator.

I checked the pockets of my jacket but my phone wasn't there, then I realized I left it on my desk in a hurry to have lunch.

"Oops I think I left it on my desk, I'd give you a response once I see the message, have a nice day"I said to her as we parted ways and I headed back to the Lion's den - Drake's office.

He was frowning at his laptop when I came in . He always has a frown on his face, I didn't care so I went straight to my desk and sat down.

"Who is the guy on your wallpaper ?"He asked looking at me from his desk with clenched teeth revealing his sharp jawline.

"So not only are you arrogant but you are also nosy ?" I said giving off an attitude.

He stood up and walked towards me then he stopped in front of my desk, then he leaned forward.

"So not only did you lie but you also agreed to go on a date with me while you had a boyfriend, how shallow could you be ? "His words were like a heated knife piercing through my skin.

"You don't have the right to judge me based on your pointless suspicions, that guy on my wallpaper is my younger brother who is in college and I used his picture as my wallpaper because unlike you he is a perfect gentle man who treat humans right "I said all in one breath feeling anger rush through my head as I packed and arranged the files in my bag preparing to leave.

"Where are you going ?"He asked with a clueless look.

"I'm going home to work on these files , I can't stand the tension and energy here"I said as I turned the door knob to exit the office.

"Skai, I'm sorry for the false accusations"he said with shame looking down at his shoes.

"Ugh"I groaned as I left the office.

I can't believe this is what I'd be dealing with for the next 6 months of my life.

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