The Note

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It was a really stressful day at work but it was worth it because the branch was back on track and things were running smoothly.

Drake and I were in his office still working. I have to hand it to him he's really hard working and he never gets tired but as for me I'm really tired and I need to go home , the day was already dark.

I arranged the files on my table and packed my bags and I was ready to leave.

"Drake I'm done for the day, I'm heading home."I said as I stood in front of his desk. He was wearing glasses which made him look like a nerd, he looked really tired with his heavy eye bags and his tie was let loose but he still looked presentable.

"Don't you learn your lesson ?"He asked looking at me through his square shaped lens.

"What do you mean ?"I asked him with an arched brow.

"You want to go home alone and let Andre abduct you again or maybe this time kill you."He said standing up from his seat reaching for his suit jacket.

"No he can't kill me he loves me."I said  smirking as I watched him put on his jacket.

"Why don't you let him marry you then ?"He gave a sarcastic smile and and he rolled his eyes.

"Shut up!"I turned away and walked out of the office.

We were in the parking lot, we were walking towards the car when Drake put his hands in front of me to stop me.

"Do you want to go home so soon ?"He was now giving me a knowing smile.

"What are you up to ?"I asked him not returning a smile.

"Well I don't feel like going back to the house and the twins are always bugging me , I just need to spend time outside the house for a while besides we haven't toured the city since we got here." He said slapping me slightly on the shoulder.

"Or you're trying to ask me out."I teased him putting my hand under my chin like I was observing something.

"Skai, you're not my type."He put his hands in his pockets and stepped backwards.

"Oh then why did you hit on me in the bar that day."I crossed my arms and gave him a sassy look.

"I was tipsy that night and don't you dare ask me anymore questions, lets go !"He walked passed me not giving me a chance to say anything.

He walked towards the four bodyguards that were standing by the cars. He said something to them and the four of them took one of the car and drove off.

"Are you coming ?"He said as he entered the car.

I rushed into the car because Drake would not hesitate to leave me here in the parking lot.

"Where did your guards go ?"I asked Drake who now had his eyes on the road.

"I got rid of them they are always following me everywhere and I need space."He sounded a little annoyed.

"What if someone or something bad happens now ?"I asked him while I played with the handle of my bag.

"I would be able to handle it, a lot of bad things has happened to me and here I am"He smirked and increased his speed.

"If you could reach the back seat, I'd like you to get me the package there."He requested while his eyes were still on the road. He looked a little tense while driving, I guess it has to do with his father's accident.

I reached the back seat and I brought out the white box which I held out to him.

"Open it dummy"He smirked gesturing his right hand towards the package in my hands. I chuckled as I opened the box, to my surprise it revealed a phone. So much had happened that I forgot I lost my phone the night Andre's fiasco happened.

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