Taking Actions

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Anger was like a hot lava flowing in my veins which made me feel like I've reached my boiling point as I held the test results in my hands.

The test results showed that the substances present in Drake's body was also present in the oatmeal which meant that the person dishing his food is responsible for this.

That means Monica has been poisoning Drake for a while now and Drake has never missed a meal at home which means he has never missed his daily dosage of poison.

James drove me back home. I appealed to him to come home and let the other guard take over, he's been in the hospital all night, he deserves to rest.

"Skai, don't be quick to act." He told me as I stormed out of the car with the results in my hands. I paced into the living room and walked into the dining room.

It was 7pm and the girls were supposed to be having dinner by now so I walked into the kitchen.

My gaze fell upon the old witch who has been slowly killing Drake. I walked in quietly putting the result in my back pocket of my jean.

"Hey Monica." I said with a smile as I sat on one of the stools by the kitchen counter.

"Hi Miss Skai."She greeted me as she put in some pack of food into the fridge.

"We haven't really spoken since I got here." I pretended to be interested in her as I smiled at her. I didn't want her suspecting that I found out she's a witch, I want to take her by surprise.

"Yeah by the way how's Drake ?" She asked me with concern in her face, she's really good at acting.

"He's fine, he's getting better. He really liked the oatmeal." I smirked at her with my finger twirling a strand of my hair.

"Oh really, I know it's his favourite so I made it for him." I laughed loudly at her fake display of care.

"What's funny ?" She asked me giving me a clueless look.

"Nothing, just find it really weird that someone's favourite meal is oatmeal." I shook my head as I got off the stool and walked up to her.

I put my arms on her shoulder and I looked into her eyes. A part of me wanted to grip her so tight and hit her against a wall but I had to play my cards well.

"Monica could you please make fried rice tomorrow, I'd like everyone to have that tomorrow." I smiled at her as I tilted my head to the side waiting for a response.

"Oh sure, that's not a problem, I love fried rice." She smiled at me and the next thing she did was unexpected. She wrapped me in a hug stroking my back.

"I'm so sorry about what's happening,please be strong." I rolled my eyes at her fake expression of affection.

"Yeah thanks." I broke the hug and walked to the fridge to take a bottle of water.

I walked towards the door then I turned around to look at her one more time. This woman must have a good explanation for all this that she's doing or else she's rotting in jail.

I went up the stairs and I decided to check on the girls. I walked into their room and I spot them laying on the floor with their faces buried on their phones.

"Hey guys." I said as I slumped into their bed. They smiled and rushed towards me on the bed engulfing me in a warm hug.

"Is Drake in his room ? We've missed him." Busola said as she knelt on the bed holding my arms.

"Uhmm he's not coming home today."I said as I looked down at my thighs. The twins looked at each other before sitting beside me.

"Is our cousin okay ?" Busayo said as she rested her hands on one of my thigh while Busola put a loose strand of my hair behind my ear.

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