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Skai's Hart POV

I tried to twist my body in where I was placed on the bed but it seemed impossible because my hands and feet were tightly bounded together with heavy chains.

We landed last night and they drove down to a club, this club is one of those clubs that no matter how old I am, the practices or events that happens here is too mature for me.

The music was always playing non-stop except this morning, I wasn't in the scene of the partying but I could hear the loud laughter and chattering of people who trooped in here tonight.

I couldn't take a nap nor sleep last night because of the constant playing of music and the loud footsteps of men with ladies who walked down the hallway into their various suites.

The door to my room was opened by Becky who was walking wobbly alongside a wasted Morales.

"The rag is still here." She said as she gave me a sinister smile before gulping down her glass of alcohol.

They were both in a jolly mood, I could tell they were partying downstairs because they were wasted and party boas were dangling from their necks as they both walked subconsciously into the room.

"That was some party!" Morales cheered as he shook his head which made his long curls dangle in the air.

"Hey slut." She bent her head to the side as she gave me an evil smile before jumping into the bed.

I chose to remain quiet and calm because I was exhausted and tired of exchanging words with these low lives.

"Did our party disturb your sleep ?" His Spanish accent wreaked as he walked towards me.

"No babe, she can't sleep. She's been crying...awww." Becky had lips pouted in fake pity as she mocked me.

"Oww...desafortunado.(unfortunate)" I shut my eyes in anger as I exhaled softly.

"Hello !" Becky waved her hands aimlessly at my face like I was blind.

"Oh silent treatment... she's not pleased with us." Morales laughed loudly as before gulping down his bottle of rum.

The contents of the bottle spilled on his clothes as he gulped down the bottle of rum, I was amazed at how he could drink that much at one go.

"Well, we have a surprise for you!" Becky squealed as she bobbed the tip of my nose. "Should we show her now ?!" She turned to look at Morales who was too wasted to be aware of his surroundings.

"Baaabe ?!" She tugged the sleeve of his coat as she tried to get his attention.

"Whaaaat ?!" He staggered as he tried to make a focus with his eyes.

"Let's show her." She said as she got up from the bed and walked towards the dark end of the room.

I looked at where she was heading and I could make out a shadow of a tall object.

"Come help me !" I was pissed by Becky's drunk behaviour because she was acting like a total mess.

"I don't have the strength, Lopez ven!(Lopez come!)" Morales shouted before slumping into the bed where I was tied.

I felt disgusted as the repelling odour of alcohol and sweat tingled up in my nose.

Immediately a huge man came into the room and stood at the entrance of the door. Morales pointed to Becky who was trying to push the tall object.

At once he walked up to her and Becky excused him while he pushed the tall object with ease.

"Lopez is strong." Becky giggled shamelessly as she landed in the laps of Morales.

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