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"What do you mean I should calm down ?!" I snarled at Becky who was trying to calm me down.

"That's what you wanted right ? He made amends with your mom and now they're back." She said as she stood up from the pool chair she was sitting on.

"Becky, he hasn't changed! I saw him with a woman at the cafe about 3 days ago." I rested my hands on my hips as I narrowed my eyes at Becky.

"Maybe it's not what you think." She shrugged at me while sipping on her glass of cranberry juice.

"If that man thinks he's gonna come back into our lives just to trash it again, he's in for my horror." I growled before I angrily sat down on the pool chair.

"Well, I can't say anything about this, it's your family issue and it's personal so I'm gonna leave you to make the decisions." She waved her hand in a circular motion on my face as she grabbed her purse.

"Where are you going ?!"

"Home, you obviously need space now." She said as she stuffed her phone into her purse.

"But you were gonna spend the night." I got up from where I sat and walked up to her.

"Yeah... Uhm my mind tells me that's gonna be a bad idea since you're hot headed now." She cocked her head to the side briefly as she rose her brows.

"Okay I'm sorry for lashing out on you, I was just overwhelmed." I apologized as I rested my hands on her shoulders.

"Yeah, I'm aware. I was going to stay but Archer asked me for a sleep over and you blew up your chances so I'm moving on." She waved me off with a naughty pout.

"Becky! You're leaving me for Archer ?!" I let out an amused gasp as I watched her walk away from the poolside.

"Yeah, I'm sick of being your best friend." She chuckled as she crunched her nose.

"You're the worst." I rolled my eyes as I settled down in one of the pool chairs.

"Okay bye, love you." Her voice trailed off as she walked towards the car park.

I shook my head with a smile on my face as I relaxed my body into the chair. It was a calm and peaceful late afternoon and the hot rays emitted from the sun alongside the cool breeze that slapped my body softly, brought a sense of calmness to me.

I was feeling relaxed when the thoughts of my parents flooded my mind again. I tried to block them out but it kept coming, so I got up angrily and paced into the house to make dinner.


I was in my room when I heard Drake's car pull over at the drive way. I paced out of my room and rushed to the front door so I could surprise him with my new look.

I decided to scare him so I stood behind the door so I would be hidden when he opens it then I'd be able to jump out and scare him.

He opened the door and he stopped immediately at the end of the door, I was hidden behind the door.

For some reasons, he pushed the door closer to the wall making it collide with my body then he continued pressing down on it which made my body press into the wall.

"I wish this door could open wider." He said as he continued pushing the door.

"Stop !" I yelped as I pushed the door back.

"Took you long enough." He laughed as he threw his suitcase on the couch.

"How did you see me ?!"  I winced as I shut the door behind me.

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