Twisted Turns

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I watched as the cops took Monica away into one of the police car. I had my eyes fixed on the vehicle she was in.

"How did you find out she's the one ?" Thelma asked me as she turned away from the car that took Monica away.

"She's the only one who have access to his food and all odds were against her so it wasn't that hard." I shrugged as I replied her while Darius came out from the house to join us outside.

He held out a salt shaker, he had a smirk on his face with spark in his eyes.

"This is Monica's mixture." He tossed it to Thelma, who caught it immediately fixing her gaze on it.

"How did you find that ?" I asked him taking a glimpse at the salt shaker.

"We searched the kitchen thoroughly and we found this, our forensics tested the salt and it's the same chemical compound that was causing Drake's ailment." He said as he rested his hands on his hips.

"You said something earlier, that you saw her sneaking out of the farm, when was that ?" Thelma asked Darius as she put the salt shaker into a plastic bag labelled evidence.

"I went back to the farm after the day when we found the farmer's body, on my day I spotted Monica rushing out of the barnyard so I had my doubts about her since then." He walked towards his car parked in front of the house and rested his back on the car.

"So that's why you came to the house that day and warned us about a snitch." I let out an unamused laugh as I trailed my fingers through my hair.

"Yeah, I knew she was going to be caught sooner or later." He walked towards the driver's side of the cat while Thelma approached the passenger's side.

"Skai, well done you did well today, we'd interrogate her as soon as we get to the station."Darius said before opening the door to enter the car.

" Hold on, I'd catch up with you at the station let me check in with the others." I climbed up the door steps to talk to the twins and Becky who were standing at the front door.

"I can't believe that woman !" Becky said as she walked towards me stretching her hands to hug me.

"Yeah and you were so cool !"Busayo exclaimed as she gripped my arms.

"Yeah, where did you learn that ?" Busola asked me with her eyes wide opened.

"Just instincts. I gotta go now, I'd be accompanying them to interrogate her." I quickly said as I gave everyone a brief hug.

"Oh okay just go, I'd stay away from work today so I could be with the twins." Becky assured me as she put arms around the twins. Becky has always been supportive and understanding that's why she's my best friend.

I rushed into the backseat of Darius car and immediately we took off. I tilted my head backwards and let out a heavy sigh.

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket, I took it out and the caller ID revealed it was Drake calling.

"Good mo..."He abruptly cut me as I tried to greet him.

"Where are you ?" His voice was sounding firm but I could still feel that he was weak.

"On my way to the station." I answered coldly as I looked out the window.

"Skai, you're putting yourself in so much danger ." He sounded angry and annoyed, I don't get this guy at all, I just exposed someone who wanted to kill him.

"How did you find out about Monica ?" I tried to change the topic so we wouldn't end up shouting at each other.

"I have about 20 men in that house, getting information from my house wouldn't be a problem and don't try and change the subject." He responded harshly which made me close my eyes for a minute before talking.

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