You got it skai !

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It was Friday morning and I woke up to a cute Sekani sleeping by my side with his hands cuddling the pillow. I got up from bed feeling tired and my head ached a lot because I had cried a lot last night due to my mother's departure.

I went on my knees with my elbow on my bed and I shut my eyes to say a prayer. When I opened my eyes I saw Sekani bringing out some of my clothes from my wardrobe.

"Hey what are you doing Sekani, careful with my leather jacket !"I said while pacing to the other side of my room to stop Sekani from putting my treasured leather jacket on the floor and getting it smothered.

"Chill sis, your brother gat you!" he said while he picked out a black skirt suit and a sunflower yellow short sleeve, looking at me with eyes filled with joy like he just won a lottery.

"Yes this is it, you should definitely wear this ! "he said in an excited state looking down at me with the selected clothes in his hands.

"Okay I'm lost Sekani where am I going to and what's the occasion ?" I asked looking so confused.

"Skai are you for real ?!, today is your interview remember you told me it's by 12pm today" he said cupping my head in his hands slightly shaking my head like he was trying to wake me up.

I had totally forgotten about the interview and it was a good thing sekani was here to wake me up and help me get ready who knows maybe I would have lost the chance of getting the job.

"Oh my God!!, I need to get ready besides what's the time ?" I asked running around the room looking for my phone. It was 9am and I rushed to the bathroom to shower while Sekani sat on my bed waiting for me.

I stood looking at myself in the mirror admiring how good the colour of the suit and shirt complemented themselves while Sekani stood behind me spraying my perfume all over me making me cough.

"Sekani!! what's your problem, if not that you picked a really good outfit for me and saved me from missing the interview I would have shove the perfume bottle down your throat !!"I said while trying to take in fresh air.

"Well once again Skai you owe me something !"he said putting the perfume bottle down on my bed.

"Yeah I agree with you Sekani and thanks for being there for me and I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you the way you are here for me" I said while I took his hands in mine then he pulled me into a hug and he broke the hug.

"Okay you could stay here all day loving your brother or you could hurry out of here to the Orchard Industries !!"he said grabbing my chanel purse and putting the strap over my shoulder.

"Oh yeah"I said while I went out the door and rushed out of the house pacing as fast as I could go to the bus stop.


I arrived at the Orchard Industries building and this building was huge!!!. The building was so tall just like the tower the people of Babel tried to build in ancient times but this building wasn't built to oppress God in fact this building was built to bless God's name for creating and giving the architects intelligence to build this nice structure.

I stepped into the building and the cool air from the air conditioner blew the heat from my body. I checked my time and I saw it was 11:30 so I went to the receptionist and asked about where the people to be interviewed would meet the employers.

I was directed to the last floor where the old looking men who would be our future bosses would be. I stepped into the office behind a well constructed wooden door.

"Hello, I'm here for the interview" I walked in shocked and surprised to see three hot , handsome and extremely young men sitting behind a glass table. One with brown hair and a grey suit gestured me to take a seat in front of the table.

"So Miss Skai we've seen your qualifications and we are pleased with them and it shows you were extremely studious and outstanding in college but....." He paused gesturing to the other guy besides him to continue speaking. He was also an African American but he was bald but strongly built.

"But in here we aren't looking out for theories we want to see how good you are practically,how you can handle real life situations in accounting and solve accounting problems so are you equal to the task ?" he said all in one breath then leaning back into his executive chair waiting for a response.

"Of course I am equal to the task." I said with a little bit of nervousness.

They asked me several questions relating to accounting though they were tricky questions my 5 years in college paid off because I was able to answer them perfectly without thinking hard . The three men looked at me with astonished looks and one of them said something unexpected.

"Okay screw being an auditor , how would you like to be the executive director over the auditing system" He asked with hopes in his eyes hoping I agree to what he asked. C'mon who wouldn't want to take an offer like that.

"Of course yes sir I'd love that position !" I said with happiness beaming over me. I got the job and with a higher position with a surprisingly good pay.


"You got it Skai!" Sekani said while he was looking at the appointment letter giving me a proud smile.

"Yes bruhhhhh, I made it I can finally move out and start off my life on my own" I said with laughter then took a gulp out of the beer Sekani got . "Just my first month's salary is okay for that" Sekani rushed to connect his phone to the auxiliary speaker in my room to play some tunes.

We were dancing and having a moment of happiness that we thought would never end until we heard a lady's heavy laughter downstairs. Sekani dropped his beer looking seriously at me.

"I thought mom wasn't coming back to the house ?" he asked in confusion and we both rushed down to the sitting room only to be disgusted by the awful sight our eyes fell on.

My dad was in a drunk state and he came home with a really attractive woman dressed in a red flare gown like she was dressed for party.

"Mom isn't gone for only a day and you are bringing your other sluts in here ?!" I asked with flaming anger not even minding if he was my father or not.

"Hey watch your tone missy , I ain't no slut" the lady said raising her left hand to reveal a ring. Wow this man !"Would an engaged girl be rendered as a slut ?"

"So you scored yourself another chic , oh cool so you were waiting for mom to leave so you could bring in this lower and expired version of mom" Sekani blurted out in anger then the lady stepped forward and slapped my brother hard on the cheek. I immediately returned the slap on her surprisingly soft cheek making her land on the floor making me think if I gave her punch or slap.

"That's enough ! You all should behave civilized and quit hitting one another.

"What do you know about civilization dad ?, bringing your banging girl here letting her hit Sekani, you are not even remorseful nor willing to change , now I see why mom left you, you never deserved her" I said all in one breath making everyone quiet and calm.

"Then if you don't like it you can as well leave , I ain't begging no one , you can leave !!!" watching my dad choose this new lady over us and asking us to leave was just similar to the way I broke up with Andre making me angry and I started tearing up.

"Fine I'd leave and never return to this damn house , just so you know I got a really good job and I can take care of myself and leave this God-forsaken house!" I turned away about to climb the stairs to my room when I glanced over at Sekani knowing I owe him a lot. I took a responsibility that day and made a vow with the next words I said.

"And Sekani is coming with me , he'd be my responsibility from now on !

I raced upstairs to my room to get some of my things in my luggage and left the house an spent the night at Becky's.

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