Moving In

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Anger filled my body as I held the note in my hands. I squeezed it and threw it out of the window with so much anger.

"What did the note say ?"Drake asked me as he dropped his burger into the plastic bag.

"He says we are continuing this game in Atlanta. Can you imagine the nerve of that guy....."I pressed my palms into my eyes as I paused.

"He thinks this is all a game, harassing me, sending me threats and now he's sending hoodlums to me ,who the hell is this guy ?!"I ranted with my hands swishing each way in the air as my eyes narrowed.

"Calm down Skai......"I stopped him from trying to calm me down.

"No I won't calm down I've been too much of a baby crying and running away from Andre and now I'm going to face him."I said looking at Drake with my index finger pointing in a direction.

"Okay so what are you going to do ?"He asked me as he sat up in his seat.

"I'm going to back to Atlanta,he started this game and I'm going to end his game."I said those words with so much conviction. I was ready to face Andre and put him in jail because I'm not going to allow him toss me around like a scared puppy.

"Slow down there, you really mean business."He said putting out his palms in the air.

"Yes Drake and I'm going to get all the help I  could get from you, Becky and the police."I said looking at him waiting for a reply.

"Sure I'm in ,I told you I was gonna come in handy so when do we leave ?"He sat up and put the food into the back seat since none of us were eating anymore.

"Can tomorrow be possible ?"I asked him with hopeful eyes.

"Yeah but we'd leave in the evening so we could say goodbye to Kelvin and his family and address the company before leaving."He said as he started the ignition and strapped his seat belt to seat.

"That's fine we could tell them this night."I said as I put on my seat belt.

"Whatever you say Skai"He reversed out of the parking lot and we drove home.


We arrived home and we stepped into the mansion. I saw Kelvin and the others in the living room talking and giggling.

"Look who finally came home."Busayo said as she rolled her eyes and returned her attention back to her phone which were in her hands.

"Well you're the reason we stayed out so long."Drake said as he settled in one of the cushion.

"Where have you guys been,you missed dinner."Adesola said with a serious look as she watched Drake settle down.

"We wanted to have a tour round the city but plans changed so we just ate snacks in the car."He said as he removed his tie from his neck then he threw it at the twins who gave him a death glare.

"Sorry about coming home late,we were caught up with some unforseen events."I caught everyone's attention with my statement as I took a seat next to Drake.

"What happened ?"Kelvin asked as he sat on the edge of the couch looking intently at me.

"Andre sent one of his guys to Skai and Skai is not letting it go."Drake said with tiredness in his voice as he rested his head into the cushion.

Everyone in the room were now sitting on the edge of their seats and had their eyes on Drake and I.

"Did he hurt you ? What did the guy do ? "Adesola threw questions at me as she walked towards where I sat and sat with me.

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