High State of Euphoria

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I decided to get up from bed early today so I could clean the house before leaving with Becky to have a fun filled day.

I put on my headphones and increased the volume to the highest, I was jamming to some tunes as I cleaned the living room.

I was wiping the surface of the centre table when I felt a grip on my waist, I turned around to see a well dressed Drake.

"Morning babe." I smiled as I gave him a morning kiss.

He returned the favour with his arms caging me into his body. He said some words to me but I couldn't comprehend what it was because of my blasting headphones.

He shook his head as he took off the headset from my head and rested it on my neck.

"You are in a pretty good mood today besides why are you cleaning ?!" He chuckled as he tucked his hands into his pockets.

"I want to get the house squeaky clean before Sekani and Khalil arrive." I squealed as I skipped around the room towards the TV stand.

I began spraying the cleansing solution on the TV stand as I wiped it with the rag in my hand.

"They won't be here till the weekend besides is that why you're dressed like a Texas waiter ?!" He chuckled to himself as he walked towards where I stood.

I looked at my clothes,I was wearing a denim short with an armless plaid top and I had my hair in two pigtails. Maybe he was right about my look,I had to dress that way so I could easily move around while I worked.

"Well that makes me a hot waitress." I winked at him as I dusted the cushions.

"No doubt. Aren't you going to work today ?!" He gave me a puzzled look as he sat on a stool that was beside the centre table.

"Nope !" I emphasized the P sound making a loud pop sound.

"Okay what's the euphoria for ?!" I laughed at his question as I walked towards him, it was obviously I was super happy.

"I'm having a girl's day out with Becky." I giggled as I rested my hands on his shoulders.

"Oh that's why she turned in sick at work today." He rolled his eyes then he carried me in his arms and rested me on his laps.

"Speaking of Becky, she's really mad at you." I said as I rested my hands on his chest.

"Yeah I'm aware, Becky's attitude can't go unnoticed." He said as the side of his lips curled upwards.

"Please, talk to her."

"I would when I get the chance." He said as he played with my fingers.

"When would that be ?" I asked him with an arched brow.

"At the vacation." I slapped his hands off my fingers.

"Drake fix things with her before then." I ordered him as I have him a scornful look.

"Yes Mom!" He rolled his eyes dramatically. "So what would the girl's day out be about ?" He cocked his head to his side giving me a smirk.

"We'd be going to the salon first so I could get my hair fixed then we'd go shopping, as for the other activities, they can't be shared with the male species." I pouted at him before dabbing the tip of the nose.

"Oh wow! That's harsh." He shook his head while I laughed at him. "And so is this..." Before I knew what was going on he dropped me on the floor.

"Drake !" I exclaimed as I threw the rag at him.

"Hey watch the suit! This suit can buy your company." He chuckled as he got up from the stool.

"Just go to work already." I waved him off as I got up from where I laid.

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