Going Home

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I opened my eyes and looked around the room trying to find the energy to get up from bed. My eyes landed on the twins who were putting my clothes into my bags while chattering.

"What are you guys doing ?"I asked them as I rushed out of bed.

"We are helping you pack since you won't have time for that ."Busola said as she put some of my folded clothes into my bag.

"Oh thanks but I can do that before going to work , I have time."I took the clothes out of Busayo's hands.

"Sis you should check the time."Busola said as she put her phone close to my face.

It was 10am. How did I sleep so much and why didn't anyone wake me up. I shoved the clothes back into Busayo's hands and rushed around the room to get my towel which I couldn't find.

"Why didn't you guys wake me up?"I asked as I finally found the towel.

"Drake told us to come get you since 7am but we got here and you were sleeping so peacefully so we decided to let you sleep til 7.30 that was when...."Busola paused and gave her sister a knowing look.

"That was when we got carried away with packing your clothes and I must say you have really good clothes."Busayo smiled as she said those words which made me frown.

"You girls are....."I was cut short by Busayo as she put her hands around my shoulder.

"But if it'd make you feel any better we set up your phone for you, we installed essential apps,retrieved your lost contacts and most importantly we created an Instagram account for you !"I wanted to rant but they were really of help to me because they are helping me pack and they set up my phone but they should have woken me up.

"I can really see why Drake calls you guys monkeys."They both giggled at what I said before they both went behind me and started pushing me towards the bathroom.

"Okayyy you are already late why don't you hurry up and go to work ."Busola said as she pushed me into the bathroom and closed the door.

These girls are like a box of surprises. No one knows what to expect from them but I really like them and I look forward to spending more time with them in Atlanta.

I took my bath in a haste and I'm completely sure I didn't come out clean from the shower. I rushed out of the shower with my towel tied around my chest. I met the twins still in my room helping me pack. They pointed at bed where a black long sleeve dress has been carefully laid with my shoes.

I wore them without telling the girls to excuse me. I packed my hand bag in a rush and dashed out of the room and headed to the living room.

I bumped into Adesola who was carrying a cup of coffee.
"I'm so sorry about that,I woke up late and ....."She cut me short and she shoved the cup of coffee into my hand.

"Just go, the driver is waiting for you outside, now go!"She pushed me our of the door with the cup of coffee in my hands. Why is everyone pushing me today.

I arrived at the office and I went straight to Drake's office. I walked in and I didn't see him there, hoping he hadn't come in yet, I sat in my chair and powered up my laptop pretending I've been working.

Few minutes later, Drake walked on with some of his workers,they were all smiling at Drake who led them in.

"So if there's any issue ,you should contact George and he'd know how to direct you , let me get you the files."He walked over to his desk and took some files and handed them to one of the workers.

"So that'd be all for now,you can all go and have a nice day ."He dismissed the workers and he turned around to look at me who had my eyes widened at his gestures. Drake was actually nice to his workers without me being there to correct him.

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