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Author's Note : Please start listening to the song that is above as soon as you as you start reading so as to enjoy the scene where our favourite couple say their vows if the song has stopped before then feel free to restart it.

Skai Hart's POV

I looked at myself in the mirror as I stood in front of it. I was dressed in the most beautiful wedding dress.

It was like a ball gown which had a high standing flare that reached my covered my legs.

My hair was put in a really high and full bun with it's edges curled to perfection which complimented the modest bridal makeup on my face

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My hair was put in a really high and full bun with it's edges curled to perfection which complimented the modest bridal makeup on my face.

Reaching out for my bouquet of flowers my eyes landed on the diamond coated ring that glittered under the ray of light.

It took my mind back to the day Drake proposed. He proposed to me last month on a date after we had dinner at the restaurant he bought for his mom.


"That was some real good food." I said as I walked with my arms linked with Drake's.

We were both walking on a bridge in a park. The bridge was over a slow running lake which made soothing sounds.

Drake paused as he walked with me in his arms towards the slab of the bridge, we rested against the slab as we looked down at the water.

It reflected the moon that was shining in it's full glory which made the water glow as it flowed freely.

There were tall pine trees around the park and the soft scent of bark of trees filled my nose as I inhaled deeply.

"You like the view ?" Drake asked me as he turned his head to look at me.

Flashing him a smile I responded. "I love it, how did you find it ?"

He chuckled loudly as he licked his lips. "This is my favourite place in the world."

"What ? Of all the places in the world ?!" I arched my brow as I gave him an unbelievable look.

"Yeah, it's calm, peaceful and it ties all form of nature like the lake, trees and the animals running amongst the forest of pine trees."

"And my dad used to bring me and my twin brother here when we were younger, so many memories of him are in this park." He looked around the park with a brief smile as the moonlight made his eyes sparkle.

"That's so sweet." I leaned my back against the slab as I looked over at Drake.

"Do you know what my favourite day is ?" He looked down at me as his huge stature towered over me.

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