The Bomb

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I was sitting in the living room with the twins. We were seated on the fluffy rug in the middle of the living room watching a movie.

My mind wasn't in the movie, I was reminiscing what had happened in the morning with my mom. I'm so happy she's back into my life.

It was in the noon and I didn't go to work today, Drake advised me to stay home for a week before resuming.

"This lady is so dumb !"Busola said referring to the TV character in the movie. I didn't even know what it was about because my mind has been wandering about.

"I couldn't agree more and she reminds me of you."Busola threw some popcorn at Busayo in reaction to her comment which made me giggle.

"Don't you guys ever stop ?"I chuckled admiring how cute they looked whenever they were having their little fights.

The door bell rang and Monica appeared from nowhere and rushed towards the door. I don't know what it is but I have my doubts about her.

I looked over at the door to see who it was. It was detective Darius and Thelma. I got up from where I laid and straightened my shirt.

The twins got up from the ground with the bowl of popcorn in their hands. We exchanged a look and they knew I needed to talk to them alone. I watched as they went into the kitchen.

Monica still stood in the living room and she didn't look like she was going to be leaving anytime soon.

"Your services are not needed at the moment, thanks." I dismissed her but I caught a scowl on her face which she quickly hid with a smile as she left the living room.

"Good afternoon Miss Skai."Darius greeted me as he walked into the living room.

I gestured for he and Thelma to come have a seat as I settled in one of the cushion.

"How are you feeling now ?" Thelma asked me as she sat beside Darius.

"I'm doing fine at least I'm trying not to think of Andre."I rubbed my temples as I relaxed into the chair.

"That's good, well we have some news regarding the blood in your apartment." Darius took out some pictures from his pocket.

Some of the picture were scenes from my house showing some furniture stained with blood, one of the picture showed a pressure hose covered in blood while the other was a picture of a farmhouse with farm animals around.

"What are these for ?"I asked them looking at the pictures.

"They'd be explaining what happened in your house." Thelma said as she spaced out the pictures on the centre table.

"We carried out tests on the blood samples we took from your house and the results showed that it is real blood."Chills ran down my spine as I heard what Darius told me. I wondered who he had murdered and whose blood was dripping in my house.

"Calm down Skai, it's not human blood." Thelma smiled at me as she reached out for the picture of the farmhouse.

"The DNA results shows that the blood was from cows and pigs, probably farm animals." She said as she passed me the photo.

"Thank Goodness no one got murdered." I sighed as I took a glimpse at the photo.

"So we decided to check around town and for the nearest farm and we got two, one was not functioning which left us with that one." Darius said as he pointed at the photo in my hands.

"So we interrogated the owner of the farm and that was where we hit the jackpot."Thelma eyes had spark in them as she spoke showing her excited she was.

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