Bloody Hands

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I was famished and angry as I sat in the meeting. We were having a board meeting with representatives from a prestigious company.

We've always wanted to crack a deal with them and we are few minutes away from doing so but the problem is that we've been in this meeting for four hours now going round and round trying to please them.

"We've seen all the presentations and plans for the deal but we are still not convinced." One of the representative complained as he tossed a document on the desk.

Anger and frustration filled my head because we've been trying to convince these people for the whole four hours and they've been turning us down making it seem like we are a desperate.

"Mr Sanders what's there that's not convincing ?!" George who is one of my workers pleaded with them.

"Well, the reso..."

"Mr Sanders." I cut him off as I spoke which left a scowl on his face.

"Do you realize we've been sitting here for four hours gerrymandering between folders and slides ?" I said slowly as I got up from my seat.

"Are you saying I'm wasting your time ?" He angrily asked me while his colleagues looked on at me with a nasty scowl.

"As a matter of fact, yes you are. You are not only wasting my time but the time of others sitting here." I motioned around the room showing the tired but shocked faces of my employees.

"Sir, what are..." George tried to calm me but I held out a hand to stop him.

"This meeting was meant to brief you about the plans for the deal but it has turned into a begging spree, we've explained everything to you for the millionth time, what else do you want ?!" I looked at Mr Sanders and his colleagues with annoyance and I tucked my hands in my pockets.

I didn't care any longer, if I would be losing this deal that I've been trying so hard to get but they are taking advantage of the fact that we are desperate and I'm not that cheap.

"It seems you don't value this deal any longer." He said as he closed the open files in front of him.

"I do, but you don't value it that's why you are taking us for granted. Anyway you can go if you're not interested, we'd move over to your rival company and strike a deal with them." I ended my statement with a sinister smirk knowing I've gotten their attention.

"You wouldn't dare."

"Your move." I shrugged as I let out a slight chuckle alongside my employees who were getting the game I was playing.

Mr Sanders and his colleagues shared a look for a while and did some small talks while I gave assuring looks to George.

"Okay, fine! We are willing to work with you." We all squealed for joy as he opened up the folder for us to sign.

"Pleasure is all mine." I said as I took a pen from the desk about to sign. They flashed me an annoyed look as they penned down their signatures.

After signing, Mr Sanders and his clique went out of the room and as soon as they were gone, all of us began giving ourselves high fives and fist bumps alongside our cheers of loud laughter.

"Oh Man! I can't believe you pulled it off." George said as he walked up to me with the papers in his hands.

"At first I didn't know what I was doing but later on, I took a hang of it." I shrugged with a huge smile as I made my way to the door.

I felt fulfilled and happy that I've been able to crack a deal with one of the biggest company in America that my father had always glamoured for. It has always been my target since I assumed my seat.

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